Describes Information Hiding in communication networks, and highlights their important issues, challenges, trends, and applications.
* Highlights development trends and potential future directions of Information Hiding
* Introduces a new classification and taxonomy for modern data hiding techniques
* Presents different types of network steganography mechanisms
* Introduces several example applications of information hiding in communication networks including some recent covert communication techniques in popular Internet services
Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Figures xv
List of Tables xxi
Foreword xxiii
Preface xxv
Acknowledgments xxix
Acronyms xxxi
1 Introduction 1
2 Background Concepts, Definitions, and Classification 39
3 Network Steganography 59
4 Control Protocols for Reliable Network Steganography 89
5 Traffic Type Obfuscation 117
6 Network Flow Watermarking 139
7 Examples of Information Hiding Methods for Popular Internet Services 163
8 Network Steganography Countermeasures 207
9 Closing Remarks 243
Glossary 247
Index 253
Sobre o autor
Wojciech Mazurczyk is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University, Poland. He is also a senior member of IEEE.
Steffen Wendzel is Head of Secure Building Automation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing, and Ergonomics (FKIE) in Bonn, Germany.
Sebastian Zander is a Lecturer at the School of Engineering and Information Technology, Murdoch University, Australia.
Amir Houmansadr is an Assistant Professor within the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Krzysztof Szczypiorski is a Professor of Telecommunications at the Institute of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.