Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Contributors vii
Foreword xii
Preface xiii
Part I History and Methods 1
Chapter 1 Traditions and New Beginnings: Historical and Current Perspectives on Research in Psychotherapy and Behavior Change 3
Wolfgang Lutz, Louis G Castonguay, Michael J Lambert, and Michael Barkham
Chapter 2 Methodological Foundations and Innovations in Quantitative Psychotherapy Research 19
Scott A Baldwin and Simon B Goldberg
Chapter 3 The Conceptualization, Design, and Evaluation of Qualitative Methods in Research on Psychotherapy 51
Heidi M Levitt, John Mc Leod, and William B Stiles
Part II Measuring and Evidencing Change in Efficacy and Practice- Based Research 87
Chapter 4 Measuring, Predicting, and Tracking Change in Psychotherapy 89
Wolfgang Lutz, Kim de Jong, Julian A Rubel, and Jaime Delgadillo
Chapter 5 The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Psychological Therapies 135
Michael Barkham and Michael J Lambert
Chapter 6 Practice- Based Evidence – Findings from Routine Clinical Settings 191
Louis G Castonguay, Michael Barkham, Soo Jeong Youn, and Andrew C Page
Part III Therapeutic Ingredients 223
Chapter 7 Patient, Therapist, and Relational Factors 225
Michael J Constantino, James F Boswell, and Alice E Coyne
Chapter 8 Psychotherapy Process–Outcome Research: Advances in Understanding Causal Connections 263
Paul Crits-Christoph and Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons
Chapter 9 Therapist Effects: History, Methods, Magnitude, and Characteristics of Effective Therapists 297
Bruce E Wampold and Jesse Owen
Chapter 10 Training and Supervision in Psychotherapy: What We Know and Where We Need to Go 327
Sarah Knox and Clara E Hill
Chapter 11 Qualitative Research: Contributions to Psychotherapy Practice, Theory, and Policy 351
John Mc Leod, William B Stiles, and Heidi M Levitt
Part IV Therapeutic Approaches and Formats 385
Chapter 12 Research on Dynamic Therapies 387
Jacques P Barber, J Christopher Muran, Kevin S Mc Carthy, John R Keefe, and Sigal Zilcha-Mano
Chapter 13 Research on Humanistic- Experiential Psychotherapies: Updated Review 421
Robert Elliott, Jeanne Watson, Ladislav Timulak, and Jason Sharbanee
Chapter 14 Cognitive, Behavioral, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 469
Michelle G Newman, W Stewart Agras, David A F Haaga, and Robin B Jarrett
Chapter 15 Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Treatments 507
Evan M Forman, Joanna J Arch, Jonathan B Bricker, Brandon A Gaudiano, Adrienne S Juarascio, Shireen L Rizvi, Zindel V Segal, and Kevin E Vowles
Chapter 16 Systemic and Conjoint Couple and Family Therapies: Recent Advances and Future Promise 539
Myrna L Friedlander, Laurie Heatherington, and Gary M Diamond
Chapter 17 Efficacy of Small Group Treatments: Foundation for Evidence- Based Practice 583
Gary M Burlingame and Bernhard Strauss
Chapter 18 Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: From Efficacy to Effectiveness, Scaling, and Personalizing 625
Mei Yi Ng, Jessica L Schleider, Rachel L Horn, and John R Weisz
Part V Increasing Precision and Scale in the Psychological Therapies 671
Chapter 19 Personalized Treatment Approaches 673
Zachary D Cohen, Jaime Delgadillo, and Robert J De Rubeis
Chapter 20 Combining Psychotherapy and Medications: It’s All About the Squids and the Sea Bass (at Least for Nonpsychotic Patients) 705
Steven D Hollon, Paul W Andrews, Matthew C Keller, Daisy R Singla, Marta M Maslej, and Benoit H Mulsant
Chapter 21 Internet Approaches to Psychotherapy: Empirical Findings and Future Directions 739
Gerhard Andersson and Thomas Berger
Chapter 22 Extending the Scalability and Reach of Psychosocial Interventions 763
Alan E Kazdin
Part VI Towards the Future 791
Chapter 23 Epilogue: Prevalent Themes, Predictions, and Recommendations 793
Louis G Castonguay, Catherine F Eubanks, Shigeru Iwakabe, Mariane Krause, Andrew C Page, Sigal Zilcha- Mano, Wolfgang Lutz, and Michael Barkham
Appendix Table of Contents for All Chapters and Editions over the Last 50 Years 803
Author Index 809
Subject Index 823