Autor: Wouter de Nooy

Vladimir Batagelj is Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is also a member of Inštitut za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko (IMFM), Ljubljana, and of the Univerza na Primorskem, Inštitut Andrej Marušič (UP, IAM), Koper. His co-authored book Generalized Blockmodeling (Cambridge, 2005) was awarded the 2007 Harrison White Outstanding Book Award by the Mathematical Sociology Section of American Sociological Association (ASA). From International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) he was awarded the Georg Simmel Award (2007) and the Richards Software Award for the program Pajek (2013). In 2014 he co-authored a book entitled Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks.

3 Ebooks por Wouter de Nooy