The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy offers international perspectives on a wide range of issues in cultural management and cultural policy research and practice. In light of the global pandemic, environmental degradation, and racial justice crises, the contributions in this issue offer timely responses and thorough research on museum management, collection and archiving practices, curatorial approaches, and cultural policy instruments used to transform existing museum infrastructures. What is a ‘decolonized’ collection? How does it affect exhibition development and public programming? How can museums serve a diverse collective memory in the future and what implications does this have for museum users? What role does ‘the digital museum’ play in this context? And how does cultural policy need to respond to such novel approaches? Including perspectives from many parts of the world, this issue discusses ideas of what 21st-century museums could be.
Sobre o autor
Martin Tröndle (Prof. Dr.) hat den WÜRTH Chair of Cultural Production an der Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen inne und ist dort Vize-Präsident für Lehre.