Author: Qendrim Zebeli

Christopher Creevey is Professor of Computational Biology at the School of Biological Sciences and the Institute of Global Food Security (IGFS), Queen’s University, Belfast (QUB). He is an authority in systems-level analyses of biological function in both model and non-model organisms having worked previously in the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg and as a Science Foundation Ireland Stokes Lecturer in Teagasc and a Reader in Rumen Systems Biology at IBERS, Aberystwyth University.

2 Ebooks by Qendrim Zebeli

Chris McSweeney & Roderick I. Mackie: Improving rumen function
  • Reviews advances in understanding the role of different types of rumen microbiota such as archea, anaerobic fungi, viruses and the rumen wall microbial community
  • Covers both the …
Josef Kamphues & Petra Wolf: Supplemente zur Tierernährung für Studium und Praxis
kurz und knapp: Der Standard im Studium: als Vorlesungsgrundlage und zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Der Ratgeber in der Praxis: konkrete Angaben zur Fütterung und Diätetik von nutz- und Liebhabertieren …