JOHANNA BLUM is Scientific Researcher at the Austrian Institute for Youth Research, Austria RACHEL BROOKS is Senior Lecturer in Social Policy in the Department of Political, International and Policy Studies at the University of Surrey, UK JAYNE BYE is Lecturer in Employment Relations in the School of Management at the University of Western Sydney, Australia MARK CIESLIK is Principal Lecturer in Sociology at Nottingham Trent University, UK VERNON GAYLE is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Social Science at Stirling University, UK PAT GREEN is Principal Lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton, UK DAVID HALL is Senior Lecturer in Applied Sociology at the University of Liverpool, UK IRENE HALL is Research Fellow in the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Liverpool, UK ROGER HARRIS is Professor and Director of the Centre for Research in Education, Equity and Work at the University of South Australia MARKKU JAHNUKAINEN is Lecturer and Docent in Special Education, University of Helsinki, Finland NOVIE JOHAN is Research Officer at the School of Management, University of Surrey, UK ANDREW KING is a Lecturer in Sociology at Kingston University, London, UK PAUL LAMBERT is Lecturer in the Department of Applied Social Science at Stirling University NICOLE MATTHEWS is Lecturer in Media, Critical and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia SUSAN MURRAY is a research student at Stirling University, UK LINDA RAINEY is a career counsellor and researcher, having worked in tertiary careers services in Australia and the UK and with the Centre for Research in Equity, Education and Work, at the University of South Australia PAUL SCHEIBELHOFER is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Gender Studies at the Central European University, Budapest DONALD SIMPSON is Lecturer in Education in the School of Social Sciences and Law at the University of Teesside, UK MICHAEL TAGOE is Lecturer at the Institute of Adult Education, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana DEREK YOUNG is Research Fellow for ESCalate, the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Education, and is based within the Stirling Institute of Education, University of Stirling, UK NATALIA WAECHTER is Researcher at the Austrian Institute for Youth Research and lectures at the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria
5 Ebooks by R. Brooks
R. Brooks: Transitions from Education to Work
Bringing together contributions from international scholars, this book explores the changing nature of young people’s transitions and challenges assumptions about pathways from education into employm …
R. Brooks & J. Waters: Student Mobilities, Migration and the Internationalization of Higher Education
This book develops a comprehensive understanding of the motivations and experiences of students who choose to study abroad for the whole or part of a degree. It includes case studies of students from …
R. Brooks: Friendship and Educational Choice
Friendship and Educational Choice provides a unique insight into how young people go about making decisions about their educational options and the subtle, yet crucial, influence of friends and peers …
R. Brooks & M. McCormack: Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education
Some of the most prominent sociologists working in education today have collaborated to address a wide range of empirical and theoretical issues. Adopting an international perspective, this book fore …
Edwin H. Buchholz: Unser Gesundheitswesen
Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt angehenden Ärzten, Zahnärzten, Apothekern sowie Studierenden und Angehörigen der Heilhilfsberufe einen knappen, anschaulichen und übersichtlichen Überblick über die wi …