R. S. Curtis, MD was born on Christmas Day. And, because that is a special day, he has always felt something wonderful was going to happen to him. He has practiced orthopedic surgery in Dallas, has a fine family, wife, kids, and grandkids, gets to play golf and write when he wants, short stories, poetry, screenplays, and now his first novel. He was right. Something wonderful is happening to him.
2 Ebooks by R. S. Curtis
R. S. Curtis: Once in a Blue Moon
Once in a Blue Moon, intended for all ages, is the magically realistic story of the Rainwater Family and their island in the middle of Good Bear Lake below Shadow Mountain in Colorado. Gabriel Rainwa …
Roald Aaboe & Vidar Aarvold: Tunnelling ’94
It is now more than twenty years since a proposal was first mooted to hold an international tunnelling symposium in Britain. At the time of the first symposium, held in London in 1976, the Channel Tu …