This compilation is a useful one-stop resource for understanding the most important issues in advances in electroceramic materials, covering topics such as design, synthesis, characterization, and properties and applications. This volume contains a collection of papers from the Advanced Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices and Electroceramics Technologies symposia held during MS&T 08.
Table of Content
Preface ix
Ceramic-Polymer Dielectric Composites Produced via Directional
Freezing 3
E.P. Gorzkowski and M.-J. Pan
Low-Temperature Fabrication of Highly Loaded Dielectric Films
Made of Ceramic-Polymer Composites for 3D Integration 11
Jong-hee Kim, Eunhae Koo, Young Joon Yoon, and Hyo Tae
Effect of Rare Earth Elements Doping on the Electrical
Properties of (Ba, Sr)Ti03 Thin Film Capacitors 21
N. Kamehara and K. Kurihara
Microwave Processing of Dielectrics for High Power Microwave
Applications 27
Isabel K. Lloyd, Yuval Carmel, Otto C. Wilson, Jr., and Gengfu
Ferroelectric Domains in Lead Free Piezoelectric Ceramics
Toshio Ogawa and Masahito Furukawa
Fabrication of Sr Ti4Bi4015 Piezoelectric Ceramics with Oriented
Structure Using Magnetic Field-Assisted Shaping and Subsequent
Sintering Processing (MFSS) 39
Satoshi Tanaka, Kazunori Mishina and Keizo Uematsu
Recent Investigations of Sr-Ca-Co-0 Thermoelectric Materials
W. Wong-Ng, G. Liu, M. Otani, E. L. Thomas, N. Lowhorn, M.L.
Green, and J.A. Kaduk
Preparation of Low-Loss Titanium Dioxide for Microwave Frequency
Applications 59
L. Zhang, K. Shqau, H. Verweij, G. Mumcu, K. Sertel, and J.L.
Analytic Methods for Determination of Activation Energy Using
the Master Sintering Curve Approach 67
Matthew Schurwanz and Stephen J. Lombardo
Surface Analysis of Nano-Structured Carbon Nitride Films for
Microsensors 79
Choong W. Chang, Ju N. Kim, Yoen H. Jeong, Young J. Seo, S.
Chowdhury, and Sung P. Lee
Gas Permeability in Nanoporous Substrates 89
S. J. Lombardo, J.W. Yun, and S. Patel
Texturing of PMN-PT Ceramics via Templated Grain Growth (TGG):
Issues and Perspectives 101
Mohammad E. Ebrahimi
Electrical Characterization and Dielectric Relaxation of
Au/Porous Silicon Contacts 113
M. Chavarria and F. Fonthai
Structural and Dielectric Properties of the Naa5Bia5Ti03-Na Ta03
Ceramic System 121
Jakob König, Matja Spreitzer, Bostjan Jancar, and Danilo
Piezoelectric Behavior of the Blended Systems (NYLON 6/NYLON 11)
S.A. Pande, D.S. Kelkar, and D.R. Peshwe
Dielectric Properties of Ba Ti03 Doped with Er203, Yb203 Based on
Intergranular Contacts Model 137
Vojislav Mitic, V. Paunovic, D. Mancic, Lj. Kocic, Lj. Zivkovic,
and V.B. Pavlovic
Dielectric Properties of ACu3Ti4012-type Perovskites 145
Matthew C. Ferrarelli, Derek C. Sinclair and Anthony R.
Dielectric Properties of Rare Earth Doped Sr-M Hexaferrites
Anterpreet Singh, S. Bindra Narang, Kulwant Singh, and R.K.
High Temperature Piezoelectric Properties of Some Bismuth
Layer-Structured Ferroelectric Ceramics 167
Tadashi Takenaka, Hajime Nagata, Toji Tokutsu, Kazuhiro
Miyabayashi, and Yuji Hiruma
Effective Size of Vacancies in the
âÃ^÷^Ïâ, ÔßÏ^ Superstructure
Rick Ubic, Ganesanpotti Subodh, Mailadil T. Sebastian, Delphine
Gout and Thomas Proffen
Effect of Dopants and Processing on the Microstructure and
Dielectric Properties of Ca Cu3Ti4012 (CCTO) 187
Barry Bender and M. Pan
Author Index 199