Help children with motor coordination difficulties to develop their gross motor skills in a fun way with this guided programme for children and young people aged 5-18.
Activity worksheets provide detailed descriptions of how gross motor tasks can be accomplished through incremental stages, culminating in the achievement of the specific task. The step-by-step programme is divided into two sections:
* learning basic skills, which includes balance, jumping, climbing, skipping, ball skills, riding a bike and more
* developing specific sports skills, which includes football, badminton, basketball, netball, tennis, bowling and more.
The Stepping Stones Curriculum will enable adults to chart the progress of a child and allow children to become engaged in mastering motor coordination skills. Supplementary aids such as warm up and cool-down activity sheets, an initial assessment tool and a certificate of achievement will help parents and professionals to deliver the programme effectively at home or at school.
About the author
Rachel White has been a community paediatric occupational therapist since 2000. Her work with children who have motor coordination difficulties has formed the basis of this book.