The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the biology of the planorbid snail Biomphalaria glabrata mainly as related to the snail’s role as a host of larval trematodes . This snail is of great importance in medical and economic zoology as a vector of important trematode (fluke) diseases in human and veterinary medicine and in wildlife biology. Moreover, this snail is a useful model for numerous basic studies in biology and chemistry. A book that provides modern coverage of diverse topics from the molecule to the community of this snail as related to larval trematode parasitism is not available. This book should appeal to a wide audience of biologists, ecologists, biochemists, malacologists, parasitologists, public health workers, epidemiologists, and graduate and advanced undergraduate students in biomedical and allied health sciences.
Table of Content
Preface.- Biosystematics of Biomphalaria spp. with an Emphasis on Biomphalaria glabrata.- Laboratory Rearing of Biomphalaria glabrata Snails and Maintenance of Larval Schistosomes In Vivo and In Vitro.- Biomphalaria: Natural History, Ecology and Schistosome Transmission.- Studies of Biomphalaria Snails Infected with Larval Trematodes Using Chromatography and Atomic Spectrometry.- Effects of Larval Schistosomes on Biomphalaria snails.- Effects of non-schistosome larval trematodes on Biomphalaria snails.- Immunobiology of Biomphalaria-Trematode Interactions.- Advances in the genomics and proteomics of the freshwater intermediate snail host of Schistosoma mansoni, Biomphalaria glabrata.- The Biological Control of the Snail Hosts of Schistosomes: the Role of Competitor Snails and Biological Invasions.- Index.