Tired of the corruption and injustice of his own world, Sir Thomas More embarks on a journey through the eyes of Raphael Hythloday, a seasoned traveler who has witnessed the wonders of Utopia, a fictional island nation where everything is shared, everyone works together, and the pursuit of knowledge reigns supreme. Through lively dialogue and insightful observation, More paints a picture of this ideal society, where there is no poverty, no crime, and where every citizen lives in harmony and abundance. But Utopia is not just a dream; it’s a powerful critique of the social and political realities of More’s time. By juxtaposing the perfect world of Utopia with the failings of England, More challenges readers to confront the injustices of their own societies and to imagine a better world, a world where the pursuit of happiness is not dictated by greed and where the common good reigns supreme.
About the author
Sir Thomas More (1478–1535) was an English lawyer, philosopher, and statesman known for his book ‘Utopia’ (1516), which depicts an idealized society and critiques the political and social systems of his time. A devout Catholic, More served as Lord Chancellor under King Henry VIII but famously opposed the king’s separation from the Catholic Church and the establishment of the Church of England. His refusal to endorse Henry’s divorce and the Act of Supremacy led to his execution. He was later canonized as a martyr by the Catholic Church.