Table of Content
Invited Talk.- Programming Clouds.- Optimization Techniques.- Mining Opportunities for Code Improvement in a Just-In-Time Compiler.- Unrestricted Code Motion: A Program Representation and Transformation Algorithms Based on Future Values.- Optimizing Matlab through Just-In-Time Specialization.- RATA: Rapid Atomic Type Analysis by Abstract Interpretation – Application to Java Script Optimization.- Program Transformations.- JReq: Database Queries in Imperative Languages.- Verifying Local Transformations on Relaxed Memory Models.- Program Analysis.- Practical Extensions to the IFDS Algorithm.- Using Ownership to Reason about Inherent Parallelism in Object-Oriented Programs.- Register Allocation.- Punctual Coalescing.- Strategies for Predicate-Aware Register Allocation.- Preference-Guided Register Assignment.- High-Performance Systems.- Validating Register Allocation and Spilling.- Automatic C-to-CUDA Code Generation for Affine Programs.- Is Reuse Distance Applicable to Data Locality Analysis on Chip Multiprocessors?.- The Polyhedral Model Is More Widely Applicable Than You Think.- The Hot Path SSA Form: Extending the Static Single Assignment Form for Speculative Optimizations.