An entertaining page turner that will literally, change how you see the world. This book presents controversial but irrefutable evidence of the earth that we live on. However, we may have fallen into a "Masonic Induced Hypnosis, " and this subconsciously makes people angry when any one challenges the "spinning ball" earth model paradigm. After reading this book, you may become fully aware, and you may figure out that we've all been a beguiled and involuntary member of "The Captivated Audience." The purpose of this book, is to present research and evidence in a way that allows an open-minded reader, to connect the dots, and realize that everything they've been taught may warrant more investigation. They have made us all believe that man created "God" instead of God creating "Humankind." Who is the secret clandestine society; who are they?
Table of Content
Setting the Stage for the Book
Moon Landing of 1969
Heliocentric or Geocentric Model of Earth
Freemasons and the Illuminati
The Theory of Relativity
The Blue Marble
Genesis and The Firmament
Antarctica- The Outer Edge
The International Space Staion
Experiments and Evidence of a Flat Earth