RAPHAEL is an author and a Master in the Western Metaphysical Tradition as well as the Vedānta. For over 35 years, he has written several books on the pathway of Non-duality (Advaita). He has also translated and commented a number of key Vedānta texts from the original Sanskrit. His entire work is a conscious reunification of Western and Eastern Traditions into Unity of Tradition. Founder of the Āśram Vidyā Order, after more than 60 years of teaching, both oral and written, Raphael has withdrawn into the mahāsamādhi.
3 Ebooks by Raphael (Asram Vidya Order)
(Aśram Vidyā Order) Raphael: Five Upanisads
The Upaniṣads are an integral part of Vedas, they represent a branch of the primordial Tradition and constitute the essence of Vedanta itself. The expression Vedanta (end of the Vedas) should b …
(Aśram Vidyā Order) Raphael: Aparokṣānubhūti
Aparokṣānubūthi belongs to the series of works by Ṡaṅkara known as prakaraṇag …
Raphael (Āśram Vidyā Order): The Threefold Pathway of Fire
The ‘Way of Fire’ expounded by Raphael is that via operativa which leads to the kindling of the Fire, the mastering and directing of the Fire, and the solution of this Fire. This process of realisati …