Author: Ray Kelly

Jon Konen has taught in Alaska and Montana. Currently, he is an elementary principal in Great Falls, Montana. In 2011, he won the Presidential Award in Elementary Science Teaching. His current K–6 elementary school is the awardee of the 2012 National Blue Ribbon Award. The author has written two guides for educators published by An Educator’s Guide to Combat Bullying & Bully Prevention and Teacher Evaluation: A Transition Guide to Exemplary Performance.     Ray Kelly – (Illustrator, artist, cartoonist) Ray Grew up in Great Falls, Montana and graduated from Montana State University with a B.A. in Commercial Design, Graphic emphasis. For the past 27 years he has run Kelly’s Signs in Great Falls with his family. He illustrates, paints and maintains his original cartoon blog in his spare time.

3 Ebooks by Ray Kelly

Jon Konen: Benjamin’s Visit to Principal Reads’s Office—Again
A trip to the principal’s office is something students do not necessarily look forward to. After all, it usually means someone did something wrong. But does it have to?   Author Jon Konen’s Benj …
Ray Kelly: Federal Whistleblower and Anti-Retaliation Laws
This book provides an overview of federal whistleblower and anti-retaliation laws. In general, these laws protect employees who report misconduct by their employers or who engage in various protected …
Hailie Fox: 2013 Federal Sequestration
On March 1, 2013, pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, the President ordered an across-the-board cancellation of budgetary resources, known as sequestration, to …