Rebecca Barnes outlines fifty ways in which you, your congregation, and your local community can help fight global warming and enjoy participation in a vital part of Christian discipleship. In 50 Ways to Help Save the Earth, Revised Edition, she makes a clear connection, in a practical and unintimidating way, between stewardship of the earth and living one’s faith.
This easy-to-follow book consists of seven chapters on topics related to global climate change: ‘Energy, ‘ ‘Food and Agriculture, ‘ ‘Transportation, ‘ ‘Water, ‘ ‘People, ‘ ‘Other Species, ‘ and ‘Wilderness and Land.’ Each chapter begins with a statement on how the content relates to global warming, followed by action items ranging from individual efforts to activities that encourage the involvement of the congregation and wider communities.
About the author
Rebecca Barnes currently serves as the Associate for Environmental Ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She is a graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary where she earned a Masters of Divinity and a Masters of Art in Religion in 2011. In her local community, Rebecca organizes the Eco-Justice Worship Collective, an initiative to create dynamic, ecumenical, inclusive worship spaces to engage in eco-justice concerns.