Author: Rebecca Bullard

Rachel Carnell is a Professor of English at Cleveland State University, Ohio. Professor Carnell is the author of Partisan Politics, Narrative Realism and the Rise of the British Novel (2006), A Political Biography of Delarivier Manley (2008), and co-editor of the five-volume Selected Works of Delarivier Manley (with Ruth Herman, 2005). She has also had several research articles published on subjects such as secret history, Aphra Behn, Samuel Richardson and Eliza Haywood.

7 Ebooks by Rebecca Bullard

Stephen Bernard & Rebecca Bullard: Plays and Poems of Nicholas Rowe, Volume I
Nicholas Rowe was the first Poet Laureate of the Georgian era. A fascinating and important yet largely overlooked figure in eighteenth-century literature, he is the ‘lost Augustan’. His plays are …
Stephen Bernard & Rebecca Bullard: Plays and Poems of Nicholas Rowe, Volume I
Nicholas Rowe was the first Poet Laureate of the Georgian era. A fascinating and important yet largely overlooked figure in eighteenth-century literature, he is the ‘lost Augustan’. His plays are …
Rebecca Bullard: The Politics of Disclosure, 1674-1725
This is a study of the ”secret history”, a polemical form of historiography which flourished in England during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth …
Rebecca Bullard: The Politics of Disclosure, 1674-1725
This is a study of the ”secret history”, a polemical form of historiography which flourished in England during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth …
Rebecca Bullard: Politics of Disclosure, 1674-1725
This is a study of the ‘secret history’, a polemical form of historiography which flourished in England during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth …