This book draws on the author’s own experience as a practitioner, collaborations with professionals from small and medium-sized businesses with international scope in North Macedonia and Belgium, and academic research. Its goal is to bring together tactical management and information systems research in complex environments. By developing the “DENICA” managerial method it re-introduces tactics as an important managerial function and underestimated source of competitive advantage. The book also offers a roadmap for dynamic reconfiguration of the managerial systems in complex environment, while considering adaptability, sustainability and effectiveness in the process. Furthermore, the book introduces a methodological “kaleidoscope” which combines IS methodology with the managerial sciences, offering a model that can be adapted and replicated to specific contexts in order to achieve fitting solutions. Real-world case studies from North Macedonia and Belgium apply these methods and illustrate their practical implications.
Table of Content
Introduction to Tactical Management Research. – Problem Investigation and Solution Requirements for Tactical Management.- Theoretical Foundations: Management – Information Systems – Complexity.- Tactical Management Method Development and Evaluation.- Tactical Management Contributions to Managerial, Information and Complexity Theory and Practice.- The Tactical Management Method “DENICA” in Practice – Business Cases.
About the author
Renata Petrevska Nechkoska is a researcher, lecturer and practitioner with considerable experience both in rising economies such as in Western Balkans and in Western Europe. After a decade of middle management experience in banking, she moved to the academic world in order to approach tactical management from a multidisciplinary perspective. She holds a double Ph D degree in Business Economics from Ghent University (Belgium) and in Management from the University of St. Kliment Ohridski (North Macedonia). In her role as a project evaluator for the European Commission, she applies strategic, tactical and operational management practices in an unpredictable global environment in order to promote sustainable business models and innovations. In her role as head of research in the Western Balkans Alumni Association, she effectuates her internationally-acquired capabilities to improving the higher education ecosystems in the Western Balkans. She is committed to facilitate co-evolution among students, peers, academics, businesses, economies, societies and disciplines.