Author: Renee McGregor

Damian Hall is a record-breaking ultrarunner who has represented Great Britain and competed in some of the world’s toughest races, including the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc. His attempt to break into the top ten at the UTMB, probably the most competitive 100-mile race in the world, was made into an award-winning film – Underdog. In addition to his 2020 Pennine Way record, he has set several other British records/Fastest Known Times (FKTs), including for the Paddy Buckley Round in winter, the South West Coast Path, the Cape Wrath Trail (with Beth Pascall) and the South Wales Traverse. He is a UK Athletics running coach and a widely published journalist who contributes regularly to magazines such as Women’s Running, Runner’s World and Trail Running. He has written several books, including the official National Trail guide to the Pennine Way, Walking in the Cotswolds and A Year on the Run.

7 Ebooks by Renee McGregor

Renee McGregor: Orthorexia
Renee McGregor: Alimentația sportivilor amatori și de performanță
Cum să obții energia de care ai nevoie înainte, în timpul și după antrenament „Diferența principală dintre a mânca sănătos și nutriția sportivă constă în atenția la detalii și nuanțarea aportului de …
Renee McGregor: Training Food
Renee McGregor: More Fuel You
What we eat has a huge impact on our physical and mental health, and on our performance in our chosen sport, whether we’re elite-level athletes or enthusiastic amateurs. But, with so much information …
Renee McGregor: Fuel for Thought
Food should be really simple. It is the means by which we nourish our bodies, providing them with the nutrients and fuel we need in order to live, exercise and socialise. Yet, in recent years, food a …