Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2002 in the subject Physics – Experimental Physics, grade: 1, University of Cologne (2. Physikalisches Institut), language: English, abstract: This thesis comprises a detailed study of the electronic properties of the polycyclic hydrocarbons tetracene, perylene and coronene. The at room temperature grown organic layers consisted of a up to several hundred nanometer thickness, and have been studied with the experimental techniques soft x-ray emission spectroscopy (SXES) and NEXAFS-spectroscopy by means of synchrotron radiation. In particular, resonant inelastic scattering (RIXS) was employed in order to obtain possible band structure or MO-symmetry information of the studied systems.
The studied materials consist of large organic molecules, evaporated under high vacuum on silicon wafers. The goal was to figure out, whether inside these organic layers the hydrocarbon molecules polymerize and form a band structure or if the hydrocarbon molecules do not interact with each other and retain their original molecular like symmetry and behavior. The discrete peaks in the hydrocarbon NEXAFS-spectra could be assigned by comparison with the literature to chemical shifted C1s→ π∗ transitions, caused by different chemical surrounded C-atoms. Hence, due to excitation on a certain π∗-resonance only C1s-electrons of equal C-atoms can be excited, which leads to a site selective excitation.
The fluorescent decay of the created hole, which is as well localized on these former excited C-atoms was recorded energy dispersed in the SXE-spectrometer. This method is usually referred to as SXE. Therefore, the local MO-density was recorded. Hartree-Fock based ground state MO-calculations have been performed for each molecule, in order to simulate the SXE-spectra. Good agreement between experiment and simulation was shown, under the strict retainment of symmetry selection rules along the transitions. This result states, that the different hydrocarbon molecules conserve their symmetry and structure in an up to several hundred nanometer thick organic layer. Only in the region of the valence band maximum (π-states) weak indications for a band dispersion could be observed.
About the author
Geboren am 25.04.1969 in Köln, als Sohn eines Beamten und einer Hausfrau. Drei Geschwister, davon ein Bruder und 2 Schwestern.
1969-1973: Die ersten Jahre aufgewachsen in Köln-Weiden
1973: Umzug nach Rösrath
1975-1979: Katholische Grundschule Rösrath
1979-1985: Hauptschule Rösrath (Abschluß mit Fachoberschulreife)
1985-1989: Ausbildung zum Fernmeldeelektroniker bei Siemens in Köln
1989-1990: Fachabitur am Georg-Simon-Ohm-Berufskolleg Köln Deutz
1990-1991: Wehrdienst bei der Luftwaffe
1991-1993: Grundstudium Physik an der Gesamthochschule Siegen
1993-1997: Hauptstudium an der Universität zu Köln
1997-1998: Diplomarbeit im Forschungszentrum Jülich (Institut für Festkörperforschung IFF)
1998-2002: Doktorarbeit im Forschungszentrum Jülich (IFF). Promotion am II.Physikalischen Institut der Uni Köln
2002-2003: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des II. Physikalischen Instituts der Uni-Köln
2003-2004: Wechsel in den Lehrerberuf. Zunächst Realschule Blankenheim (Eifel)
2004: Wechsel ans Berufskolleg Troisdorf. Anerkennung der Fächer Physik und Mathematik als I. Staatsexamen
2005-2007: Referendariat am BK Troisdorf. II.Staatsexamen am Fachseminar Köln. Fakultas:1. Fach: Physik. 2. Fach: Mathematik
2007-heute: Lehrer am BK-Troisdorf (Verbeamtung auf Lebenszeit erfolgte im Jahr 2010)
Heute Vater von 4 Kindern und wohnhaft seit 2016 in Erftstadt bei Köln.