Freedoms Vector: The Path to Prosperity, Opportunity and Dignity, is a book about Americaits government, its institutions, and its people. It is about a nation blessed with the finest system of governance ever devised. It is about a country that has outgrown its institutions and is in need of reconditioning. It is about a people who have been losing their faith and are waiting for a new call to greatness.
Our country can recapture the spirit of 76, if we bring our better virtues and a sense of responsibility to bear upon the task. If our leaders reform their economics. If money and power do not stand in the way of freedom and democracy.
If you love America, I think you will like this book. If you read this book, I think it may surprise and educate you. It may even annoy you. If it does, and you are inspired to craft a better plan for your country, I will have achieved my purpose in putting these pages between two covers.
About the author
Dick Anderson is a retired research scientist, investment advisor, and veteran U.S. citizen. He and Lorraine, his wife of 50 years, have made their home in South Russell, Ohio, since 1970.
Freedom’s Vector started out as an exercise in learning and self-discovery. It ended up as this book, which Dick is pleased to share with you.