Create a whole new world of understanding in your classroom!
Inquiry is a fundamental step in the student learning process, and often the least understood. In
Integrating Inquiry Across the Curriculum, the authors offer a collection from leading experts on how to integrate inquiry across the K-12 curriculum. This finely edited volume enables educators to visualize inquiry as the unifying knowledge base to guide students through all major subject areas. An essential resource for curriculum supervisors, professional developers, department heads, teachers, and preservice educators, this compilation includes inquiry′s best practices, current research, and lesson ideas. It is a key for educators exploring ways to integrate material concepts that cut across a variety of content areas. Don′t miss this incredible opportunity to learn how to make your classroom the best place it can be, where investigation and discovery learning flourish!
Integrating Inquiry Across the Curriculum includes:
- Field-tested curriculum materials grounded in the national standards
- Practical strategies that provide reliable assessment data about how students perform when engaged in inquiry
- Enlightening first-person accounts illustrating inquiry in the classroom
- An exploration of inquiry from the unique perspectives of geography, science, history, language arts, mathematics, and more
Table of Content
Foreword – Joseph Exline
About the Editors
About the Authors
Part I: Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry in the Content Areas
1. Inquiry: A Continuum of Ideas, Issues, and Practices – Richard H. Audet
2. Social Studies and Geography: Beyond Rote Memorization – Alan Canestrari
3. Science Inquiry: Is There Any Other Way? – Linda K. Jordan
4. History: Uncovering the Past Through Inquiry – Kathleen Anderson Steeves
5. Mathematics: Developing Curious Students – Jenny Tsankova and Galina Dobrynina
6. Language Arts: Explore, Create, Discover Through Inquiry – Jane S. Townsend
7. Curriculum Integration: Capitalizing on Student Inquiry – Richard H. Audet
Part II: Creating Conditions for Successful Student Inquiry
8. Assessment in the Inquiry Classroom: Asking the Right Questions – David White and Patricia Fitzsimmons
9. Inquiry Learning and Special Education Students: Rejecting Instruction That Disables – Bruce Marlowe and Marilyn Page
10. Inquiry-Based Instruction for English Learners: Ten Essential Elements – Fred Dobb
11. Museum Experiences That Support Classroom Inquiry and Teacher Professional Development – Linda S. Shore
About the author
Linda Jordan, Co-Editor, is Science Coordinator for the Tennessee State Department of Education, Division of Curriculum and Instruction. She provides technical assistance to local education agencies and coordinated the recent revision of Tennessee′s state science framework. She co-authored Standards in the Classroom: An Implementation Guide for Teachers of Mathematics and Science. Linda is active in the Council of State Science Supervisors and has extensive national and statewide experience as a professional development specialist. Before assuming her present position she taught high school biology. She earned her Master of Science and Ed.S. Degrees at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.