Author: Richard Reynolds

Cynthia Benz developed MS over 20 years ago and has since experienced its many ups and downs. She has worked as a lecturer and counsellor in adult education, and has spoken on MS in England and abroad. Professor Richard Reynolds has a PhD in Pharmacology from King”s College London and is now Professor of Cellular Neurobiology and Head of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience at Imperial College, London. He is the Scientific Director of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Bank and has been carrying out MS-related research for the last 20 years, both in Switzerland and in the UK.

6 Ebooks by Richard Reynolds

Greg Wiggan & Lakia Scott: Unshackled: Education for Freedom, Student Achievement, and Personal Emancipation
Harnessing conceptual inspiration through the work of Harriet Tubman and Queen Nanny the Maroon of Jamaica, this book explores the historical and contemporary role that education has – and can contin …
Richard Reynolds: Carmi 55
In 1990, Dave Wilson returned to his hometown of Carmi to attend a high school reunion. It was the first time he had been back to the small Southern Illinois town in thirty-five years. Shortly after …
Reynolds Richard Reynolds: On Guerrilla Gardening
On Guerrilla Gardening is an activist’s call to arms to all citizens – green-fingered, green-thinking or curious – to join the revolution of guerrilla gardening: transforming public space into oases …
Roberta Ward & Robert Crichton: Mechanisms and Metal Involvement in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Dementia and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are becoming an increasingly important cause of medical and social concern due to the growth in the ageing population. Mech …
Jamie Brassett & Richard Reynolds: Superheroes and Excess
Finding the superhero genre in need of further investigation from philosophical standpoints that value excess as a creative drive, rather than denigrate it as a problem to be resolved, this book open …
Jamie Brassett & Richard Reynolds: Superheroes and Excess
Finding the superhero genre in need of further investigation from philosophical standpoints that value excess as a creative drive, rather than denigrate it as a problem to be resolved, this book open …