Examines the full spectrum of women’s participation in the social, economic, religious, and poetic debates surrounding the French Revolution.
This pathbreaking collection engages in the important new work of rediscovering the hundreds of British women writing during the Romantic period, women who we now realize were central, not marginal, to the poetics and ideologies of Romanticism. Yet no previous volume has focused on British women’s responses to the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars, or on their participation in the social, economic, religious, and poetic debates surrounding these political conflicts. As the first book to represent the full spectrum of women’s participation in the Revolutionary debates, Rebellious Hearts uncovers a rich new field of literary and historical scholarship.
List of Illustrations
Preface and Acknowledgments
British Women Writers and the French Revolution, 1789–1815
Adriana Craciun and Kari E. Lokke
Revolution and Nationalism
Blurring the Borders of Nation and Gender: Mary Wollstonecraft’s Character (R)evolution
Jan Wellington
Challenging Englishness: Frances Burney’s The Wanderer
Maria Jerinic
‘The Mild Dominion of the Moon’: Charlotte Smith and the Politics of Transcendence
Kari E. Lokke
Revolution and Religion
The Anxiety of (Feminine) Influence: Hannah More and Counter-Revolution
Angela Keane
The French, the ‘Long-wished-for Revolution, ‘ and the Just War in Joanna Southcott
Kevin Binfield
Napoleon, Nationalism, and the Politics of Religion in Mariana Starke’s Letters from Italy
Jeanne Moskal
Revolutionary Subjects
The New Cordays: Helen Craik and British Representations of Charlotte Corday, 1793–1800
Adriana Craciun
Mary Hays’s ‘Female Philosopher’: Constructing Revolutionary Subjects
Miriam L. Wallace
Indirect Dissent: ‘Landscaping’ Moral Agency in Amelia Alderson Opie’s Poems of the 1790s
Ann Frank Wake
Revolutionary Representation
Elizabeth Inchbald, Joanna Baillie, and Revolutionary Representation in the ‘Romantic’ Period
Terence Allan Hoagwood
Benevolent Historian: Helen Maria Williams and Her British Readers
Deborah Kennedy
The Politics of Truth and Deception: Charlotte Smith and the French Revolution
Judith Davis Miller
Madelyn Gutwirth
Despre autor
Adriana Craciun is Prew-Smith Byron Lecturer in English, University of Nottingham. She is the editor of Zofloya by Charlotte Dacre. Kari E. Lokke is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Davis. She is the author of Gérard de Nerval: The Poet as Social Visionary.