The authors at the chair for Territorial Design of Leibniz University Hannover are working on creative cycles in urbanism. Recent international projects include Medways, Cosmopolitan Habitat, and Creative Food Cycles.
Riccarda Cappeller’s research interest is in design modes for mixed urban spaces and art-based approaches linking social, spatial, and performative aspects.
Alissa Diesch”s research includes participatory knowledge generation, post-colonial spaces, research-to-design concepts, and urban-rural relations and transformations.
Federica Scaffidi’s research interests address territorial development, social innovation, and recycling.
Jörg Schröder focuses his research on territorial innovation, transformation, and resilience, as well as on design research.
1 Ebooks de Alissa Diesch
Jörg Schröder & Alissa Diesch: Circular Design
Wenn es um den Klimawandel geht, sind Kreisläufe zu einem entscheidenden Thema geworden. Geschlossene Kreisläufe, Wiederverwendung, Recycling und erneuerbare Materialien sind viel diskutierte Ideen i …