Editors′ Introduction – Andrea L. Guzman, Rhonda Mc Ewen, & Steve Jones
Foreword: Human–Machine Communication, Humacomm, and Origins – Steve Mann
Part 1: Histories and Trajectories
Part 1: Introduction
1. Machines are Us: An Excursion in the History of HMC – Kate K. Mays and James E. Katz
2. The interdisciplinarity of HMC: Rethinking communication, media, and agency – Andreas Hepp & Wiebke Loosen
3. Cybernetics and Information Theory in Human–Machine Communication – Ronald Kline
4. Cyborgs and Human–Machine Communication Configurations – Katina Michael, Jeremy Pitt, Roba Abbas, Christine Perakslis, MG Michael
5. The Meaning and Agency of Twenty-First-Century AI – Jonathan Roberge
6. The History and Future of Human–Robot Communication – Florian Shkurti
7. From CASA to TIME: Machine as a Source of Media Effects – S. Shyam Sundar, Jin Chen
8. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Human–Machine Communication (HMC) – Steve Jones & Rhonda Mc Ewen
9. HMC and HCI: Cognates on a Journey – Victoria Mc Arthur & Cosmin Munteanu
10. Developing a Theory of Artificial Minds (To AM) to Facilitate Meaningful Human–AI Communication – Nandini Asavari Bharadwaj, Adam Kenneth Dubé, Victoria Talwar, and Elizabeth Patitsas
11. HMC and Theories of Human–Technology Relations – Eleanor Sandry
12. Philosophical Contexts and Consequences of Human–Machine Communication – David J. Gunkel
13. Critical and Cultural Approaches to Human–Machine Communication – Andrew Iliadis
14. Gender and Identity in Human–Machine Communication – Leopoldina Fortunati
15. Literature and HMC: Poetry and/as the Machine – Margaret Rhee
16. Human–Machine Communities: How Online Computer Games Model the Future – Nathaniel Poor
17. Perfect Incommunicability: War and the strategic paradox of human–machine communication – Jeremy Packer, Joshua Reeves, and Kate Maddalena
Part 2: Approaches and Methods
Part 2: Introduction
18. Human-Robot Interaction – Autumn Edwards
19. Auditing Human–Machine Communication Systems Using Simulated Humans – Nicholas Diakopoulos, Jack Bandy, Henry Dambanemuya
20. Experiments in Human–Machine Communication Research – Nicole Krämer & Jessica Szczuka
21. Detecting the States of Our Minds: Developments in Physiological and Cognitive Measures – Michelle Lui
22. Human shoppers, AI cashiers, and cloud-computing others: Methodological approaches for machine surveillance in commercial retails environments – Kristina M. Green
23. Visual Research Methods in Human–Machine Communications – Hervé Saint-Louis
24. Observing Communication with Machines – Patric R. Spence, and David Westerman, Zhenyang Luo
25. Coding ethnography: Human-machine communication in collaborative software development – Jack Jamieson
26. An ethnography for studying HMC: What can we learn from observing how humans communicate with machines? – Sharon Ringel
27. Talking About “Talking with Machines”: Interview as Method within HMC – Andrea L. Guzman
28. Feminist, Postcolonial, and Crip Approaches to Human-Machine Communication Methodology – Paula Gardner & Jess Rauchberg
29. A Research Ethics for Human–Machine Communication: A First Sketch – Charles Ess
Part 3: Concepts and Contexts
Part 3: Introduction
30. Rethinking Affordances for Human-Machine Communication Research – Gina Neff & Peter Nagy
31. Affect research in human-machine communication: The case of social robots – Carmina Rodríguez-Hidalgo
32. Social Presence in Human-Machine Communication – Kun Xu & David Jeong
33. Interpersonal Interactions Between People and Machines – Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten and Kevin Koban
34. Dual-Process Theory in Human-Machine Communication – Kevin Koban & Jaime Banks
35. Privacy and Human-Machine Communication – Christoph Lutz
36. Natural Language Processing – Natalie Parde
37. Datafication in Human–Machine Communication Between Representation and Preferences: An Experiment of Non-Binary Gender Representation in Voice-Controlled Assistants – J.L. Mortensen, N.N. Siegfredsen, and A. Bechmann
38. Human-Machine Communication and the Domestication Approach – Jenny Kennedy & Rowan Wilken
39. Intersectionality and Human-Machine Communication – Sarah Myers West
40. Human-Machine Communication, Artificial Intelligence, and Issues of Data Colonialism – Beth Coleman
41. A feminist Human–Machine Communication Framework: Collectivizing by design for inclusive work futures – Chinar Mehta, Payal Arora, and Usha Raman
42. Dishuman-machine communication: Disability imperatives for reimagining norms in emerging technology – Gerard Goggin
43. Robotic Art – The aesthetics of machine communication – Damith Herath, Stelarc
44. Labour, Automation, and Human-Machine Communication – Julian Posada, Gemma Newlands, and Milagros Miceli
45. The Brain Center Beneath the Interface: Grounding HMC in Infrastructure, Information, and Labour – Vincent Manzerolle
46. AI, Human–Machine Communication and Deception – Simone Natale
47. Governing the Social Dimensions of Collaborative Robotic Design: Influence, manipulation and other non-physical harms – Sara Brooks and AJung Moon
48. Who’s liable?: Agency and accountability in human-machine communication – Jasmine E. Mc Nealy
49. The Popular Cultural Origin of Communicating Robots in Japan – Keiko Nishimura
Part 4: Technologies and Applications
Part 4: Introduction
50. Human Social Relationships with Robots – Maartje de Graaf & Jochen Peter
51. Algorithms as a Form of Human-Machine Communication – Taina Bucher
52. Bot-to-bot Communication: Relationships, Infrastructure, and Identity – Wei-Jie (Josh) Xiao and Samuel C . Woolley
53. Communicating with Conversational Assistants: Uses, Contexts, and Effects – Yi Mou & Yuheng Wu
54. Conceptualizing Empathic Child–Robot Communication – Ekaterina Pashevich
55. Haptics, Human Augmentics, and Human-Machine Communication – Jason Archer
56. Love and Sex and Robots, Oh My! A Call for HMC Attention – Riley Richards
57. Virtual Reality as Human-Machine Communication – Eric Novotny, Joomi Lee, and Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn
58. HMC in the Educational Context – Chad Edwards & Matthew Craig
59. Human-Machine Communication in Healthcare – Jihyun Kim, Hayeon Song, Kelly Merrill Jr., Taenyun Kim, and Jieun Kim
60. Why Human-Machine Communication Matters for the Study of Artificial Intelligence in Journalism – Seth C. Lewis & Felix M. Simon
61. Human-Machine Communication in Marketing and Advertising – Weizi Liu & Mike Z. Yao
62. Human-Machine Communication in Retail – Jenna Jacobson, Irina Gorea
63. Autonomous Vehicles: Where Automation Ends and the Communication Begins – Thilo von Pape
64. HMC in Space Operations – Regina Peldszus
65. Religious Human-Machine Communication: Practices, Power, and Prospects – Pauline Hope Cheong & Yashu Chen