Andreas Buchholz, an engineer, and Wolfram Wördemann, a communication specialist, first met at Procter & Gamble in Schwalbach, Germany. After earning their marketing spurs at P&G, they jointly founded the marketing strategy consultancy ‘Buchholz Wördemann Partners’ located in Königstein near Frankfurt am Main. Together with the team they have assembled, BW Partners have served a large number of multinational corporations across Europe and beyond, always with a focus on breakthrough, “out of the box” strategic thinking. Their extensive list of clients includes Amexco, Bayer Schering, IBM Lenovo, Nestlé, Pepsico, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Sanofi-Aventis, Siemens, T-Mobile, and World Vision. Andreas and Wolfram co-authored the Financial Times bestseller ‘What Makes Winning Brands Different: The hidden method behind the world’s most successful brands’ (John Wiley & Sons 2000).
Ned Wiley first made a mark in the world of television thirty years ago when, as Procter and Gamble’s first European Brand Manager, he introduced Italian television audiences to the soap opera. His career spans consumer marketing, advertising and interactive digital communications, at firms including Foote, Cone & Belding, Publicis Group and Gist Communications.
Today, Ned is with one of the world’s largest media companies, Axel Springer. As a Managing Director of Axel Springer Digital TV Guide, he is once again working to revolutionize the way advertisers engage consumers by helping consumers navigate the ever-changing landscape of television and video entertainment. Ned is an alumnus of The University of Chicago College and The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
4 Ebooks de Andreas Buchholz
Wolfram Wördemann & Andreas Buchholz: The Impossible Advantage
Conventional business strategies tell you that differentiation, the right positioning, and defining your superior edge will turn you into the ‘best player’ in your market – but this is wrong. The Imp …
Wolfram Wördemann & Andreas Buchholz: The Impossible Advantage
Conventional business strategies tell you that differentiation, the right positioning, and defining your superior edge will turn you into the ‘best player’ in your market – but this is wrong. The Imp …
Andreas Buchholz & Wolfram Wördemann: Spielstrategien im Business
Die Autoren stellen ein innovatives Denkmodell vor, mit dem Führungskräfte vielversprechende neue Wachstums-Chancen erkennen und nutzen können – selbst in schwierigen Marktumfeldern. Der neue Ansatz: …
Andreas Buchholz & Wolfram Wördemann: Spielstrategien im Business
Die Autoren stellen ein innovatives Denkmodell vor, mit dem Führungskräfte vielversprechende neue Wachstums-Chancen erkennen und nutzen können – selbst in schwierigen Marktumfeldern. Der neue Ansatz: …