In this thrilling installment of The Jungle Hawk series, the enigmatic Hawk, a fearless jungle adventurer, hears the delirious words of a dying man. He mentioned tales of a lost valley teeming with prehistoric creatures, savage tribes, and a shadowy group of white survivors. With his keen instincts and unparalleled agility, he embarks on a perilous journey into the heart of Africa, armed with nothing but his wits, a bow, and a knife.
The lost valley is no myth, it’s a world forgotten by time. Towering cliffs guard its secrets, and every shadow hides a new peril. From battling dinosaurs to navigating the tensions of tribal rivalries, the Hawk must rely on his unmatched jungle expertise. But this isn’t just a fight for survival, it’s a quest to uncover the truth about the white captives and the legend of the Gold Queen, whose fractured kingdom hides both untold riches and devastating danger. As the Hawk ventures deeper, he discovers that betrayal, loyalty, and power struggles among the valley’s inhabitants are as treacherous as the physical threats. Allies emerge in unlikely places, but so do enemies who would stop at nothing to ensure the valley’s secrets remain buried.
With suspense building at every turn, the Hawk’s journey tests the limits of courage and humanity. Will he save the captives, or will the valley consume them all? And what is the true cost of tampering with a land untouched by civilization? Dive into The Gold City of Sheba for an adventure brimming with intrigue, danger, and the primal allure of the unknown.