Through out the past quarter century, there has been an increased focus on corrections both as a means of social control (i.e. reducing crime) and generating income (i.e. profiteering from punishment); and with this in mind From Bars to Windows, attempts to examine how and explain why we can change the orientation of national correctional policy to more equitably spread the wealth generated by our nations prison system. Unlike the traditional staple of prison writing comprised of psuedo redemptive autobiography’s, violence, sexual brutality, and the like-From Bars to Windows, concentrates more on the fundamental economics’ of our prison system. Indeed this book is a virtual how to manual that explains the in’s and outs of ethically and morally profiteering from our prison system.
The book lays out exactly how investors can reap tremendous profits by taking advantage of the readily available for-profit prison industrial infrastructure that exists within our country. Market conditions are such that now the Green Energy sector is poised for virtually unparalleled growth. On the other side of the equation, there’s a burgeoning prison manufacturing sector. For instance there were over 100 Federal prison based factories, which employed more than 21, 000 inmates and generated over $546.3 million in net sales in 2003 alone.. As multi nationals realize that continued outsourcing of manufacturing jobs is no longer a viable or sustainable strategy, there’s going to be an inexorable nexus between manufacturing on the one hand, and rehabilitative Prison industries on the other-with billions in potential profits at stake.
Some of the highlights of the book include:
defines and explains, Gatsian economic theory
explains how prisons and profiteering are inextricably linked
provides an examination of how the inherent economic potential of the prison black market can be harnessed to yield net economic gains for society
Despre autor
Andrew Mc Dermont, is a founding member of YISACA LLC and The collaborative Prison Writers guild. The latter being a comprised of members who seek to foster rehabilitation in part through literary and artistic expression. In addition to being a founding member of numerous inmate oriented organizations, he has personally collaborated on multiple projects, including essays to Christian Brothers University in Memphis Tennessee, Christian essays to various seminary’s such as Vision Christian College and Seminary, Clearmont, Florida; and Newspapers such as The U.S.A. Today, The Tennesseean, He has also collaborated and worked on numerous proposals to the Tennessee Department of Corrections, which focused on improving the security, efficiency and cost effectiveness of their rehabilitative and educational programs.
Mr. Mc Dermont is an inmate who is currently serving a 14 year sentence, for several non-violent Drug Related Robbery convictions. He is an ex Drug trafficker/Dealer who has been incarcerated since his 19th birthday. However, during the two short years that he’s been incarcerated he has managed to utilize his time to not only rehabilitate himself, but also develop an array of comprehensive and innovative ideas regarding inmate rehabilitation and the macro_economic revitalization of our Great nation as a whole.
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