Autor: Arthur Groos

Prof Dr Markus Stock is an Associate Professor of German and Medieval Studies and the Chair of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Toronto. He held invited visiting professorships at the University of Freiburg and Havard University. His research interests include high medieval German epic, romance, and Minnesang, historical narratology, the history of pain as well as medieval and early modern texts on Alexander the Great. He is the principal investigator of a multi-year research project, Spatial Practices in German literature, 1150-1300, funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

6 Ebooks de Arthur Groos

Arthur Groos & Roger L. Parker: Reading Opera
‘Libretto-bashing has a distinguished tradition in the blood sport of opera, ‘ writes Arthur Groos in the introduction to this broad survey of critical approaches to that much-maligned genre. To exam …
Hans-Jochen Schiewer & Stefan Seeber: Schmerz in der Literatur des Mittelalters
Ausgehend vom neuen kulturwissenschaftlichen Interesse am Schmerz und seiner Codiertheit untersuchen die Beiträge dieses Bandes das Phänomen Schmerz in seiner spezifisch literarischen Verfasstheit in …
Arthur Groos & Norris J. Lacy: Perceval/Parzival
This volume in the Arthurian Characters and Themes series treats the fascinating character of Perceval, the naive and flawed but gifted youth who becomes the Grail hero in some texts and yet is eclip …
Arthur Groos & Norris J. Lacy: Perceval/Parzival
This volume in the Arthurian Characters and Themes series treats the fascinating character of Perceval, the naive and flawed but gifted youth who becomes the Grail hero in some texts and yet is eclip …