Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Arthur Machen wich are The Three Impostors and The Terror.
Arthur Machen was a Welsh author and mystic of the early 20th century. He is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction. His novellas and short stories has garnered a reputation as a classic of horror. Arthur Machen’s work is acclaimed worldwide and has already been recognized by such big names as H. P. Locecraf, Stephen King and Jorge Luis Borges.
Novels selected for this book:
– The Three Impostors.
– The Terror.This is one of many books in the series Essential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.
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Arthur Machen was a welsh author, translator and actor, born Arthur Llewellyn Jones, his parents adding Machen apparently in an attempt to please a rich relative. Machen was an isolated, lonely child, and was from a very early age deeply devoted both to romantic literature and to the Welsh landscape that visually dominated his writings all his life. He also imaginatively applied his extensive if somewhat random readings in the occult and metaphysics to his Welsh background.