Autor: B. C. Nayak

Dr. Shatanjiw Das Sharma, born at Raigarh (Chhattisgarh) in 1934, graduated with Honours in Botany from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack (Orissa) under Utkal University in 1956. He had his post-graduate education in Genetics and Plant Breeding at the Indian Agricultural research Institute, New Delhi during 1958-1964. He started his career as Assistant Geneticist at the Central rice Research Institute, Cuttack (1964-1967), Senior Scientist (Genetic resources) at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria (1976-1979) and Head of the Regional Station of National Bureau of Plant Genetic resources at Shimla (1976-1982). From 1982 till his retirement in 1994, he worked as the Principal Scientist/ Head of Division of Genetic Resources at the Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack. After his retirement, he was a Distinguished Fellow of the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai for seven years. Dr. Sharma has been responsible for delimitaiton of Oryza nivara and its recognition as a distinct species. He has travelled widely in India and Africa for exploration and collection of cultivated and wild rice germplasm. His collections from northeast India, known as Assam Rice Collections(ARC), have been a valuable source of genes for resistance to various abiotic and biotic stresses. He made a rich collection of African landraces of O. glaberrima and O. sativa for the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. He was in charge of conservation of national genetic resources of rice in India for more than twenty five years. After his retirement, he was responsible for successful implementation of some of the international projects on documentation and conservation of genetic resources in Orissa for M. S. Swaminathan research Foundation, Chennai. Dr. Sharma has published more than 50 research papers on exploration, collection, conservation and evaluation of genetic resources of cultivated and wild rice in various scientific journals and presented many papers in various national and international scientific meetings and symposia. He has contributed chapters on conservation of genetic resources of rice and on wild rice in many books. Dr. J. S. Nanda and Dr. S. D. Sharma have jointly edited Monograph on Genus Oryza published by Scientific Publishers Inc, Enfield (NH), USs A and Oxford & IBH Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. Dr. Sharma and Dr. U. Prasada Rao have edited Genetic Improvement of Rice Varieties of India published by today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. Dr. Sharma”s present address is: 36/01, VIP Area, IRC Village, Nayapally, Bhubaneswar – 751 015 (Orissa) and his email address: [email protected]. Prof. Ballav Chandra Nayak, Born In 1944 And Qducated In His Earlier Years In 4rural School, Obtained His B.Sc.(Ag) Degree In196+ And M.Sc.(Ag) And Ptr.O. Degrees In Agronomy In 1966 And 1986 Respectively From The Orissa University Of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar. He Started His Service Career As An Extension Officer Under The Director Of Agriculture And Food Production, Orissa In 1965. Dr- Nayak Joined The Orissa Univirsity Of Agriculture & Technology In 1967 8nd Served There In Various Capacities Viz. Reseaich Assistant 6}Al-Tiaq, Assistant Frof.Essor, Agronomy {1969-1976), Jr Agronomist, Wheat Iterc-L-L:Ffj1, Sr Agronomist (1978-1983), Associate Professor, Agronomy (19g3-199i), Associate Dirscbr Of Research (Lgg3-Lgg7), Chief Agronomist, Cropping System Research (1997-1999), Prof, Essor Of Agronomy (1999-I000) And Oean, -College Of Agriculture (2002-2w4). – Prof. Nayak Has Specialized In Cropping System Research And Published More Than 50.Research Papers And 30 Extension Pup”Rr In National Level .Lournals And Is The Author Of 6 Books/Book Chapters. Fris Ma;Or Area Of Research Incluied Cropping System Rcsearch And Cultural Management Of Crops Esp€Cially Rice. Prof. Nayaf. Has”experiense Of Research And Academic Administration And Is The Resource Prr.O, For Several Organizations. His Present Address Is: House No. M-R45, Housing Board Colony (Phase I), Baramunda, Bhubaneswar – Lsr 003 (Orissa).

2 Ebooks de B. C. Nayak

B. C. NAYAK & S. D. SHARMA: Rice In Indian Perspective
The book covers almost all the fields of agricultural research on rice such as antiquity, morphology, taxonomy, origin, physiology, genetics, plant breeding, seed production, agronomy, soil science, …
B. C. NAYAK & S. D. SHARMA: Rice In Indian Perspective
The book covers almost all the fields of agricultural research on rice such as antiquity, morphology, taxonomy, origin, physiology, genetics, plant breeding, seed production, agronomy, soil science, …