Hiroyuki Shimizu is an emeritus professor of Nagoya University. He studied architecture at the Faculty of Engineering of the University Tokyo and received the doctoral degree of Engineering ibidem. During his studies at the University Tokyo he obtained a fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to study for two years at the University of Hanover, Germany.
From January 1986 to August 1989, he taught architectural planning at the Faculty of Engineering of Chiba Institute of Technology as an instructor and associate professor. In September 1989, he moved to School of Engineering of Nagoya University as an associate professor, and became a professor in January 1996. In this period, he has developed his research fields not only in architectural planning but also in urban planning. In April 2001, he moved to the Graduate School of Environmental Studies due to university reorganization. This graduate school is a new integrated organization combining the inter-disciplinary academic fields of social sciences, engineering and natural sciences. Furthermore, it aims to solve both, global and local environmental issues from scratch. According to this academic policy, he expanded his new research field to landscape planning and management. The results of his studies are published internationally for instance in the following books:
Hiroyuki Shimizu, Akito Murayama (Eds.), Basic and Clinical Environmental Approaches in Landscape Planning, Springer, 2014
Hiroyuki Shimizu, Chika Takatori, Nobuko Kawaguchi (Eds.), Labor forces and Landscape Management -Japanese Case Studies, Springer, 2016
Especially in the latter book, he proposed a new concept of “landscape management labor accounts”, which is useful calculate labor forces needed for the appropriate maintenance of an ecological landscape.
Bernhard Müller, a geographer and planner, is the Director of the Dresden-based Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) and Professor for Spatial Development at the Technische Universität Dresden. He is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), the Saxonian Academy of Sciences, and the German Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL). He was a policy unit member for the Habitat III conference in Quito 2016.
(401 Zeichen ohne Leerzeichen, 473 mit LZ)
Bernhard Müller is the Director of the Dresden-based Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) and Professor for Spatial Development at the Technische Universität Dresden. He is also the initiator and head of the Managing Board of the internationally oriented Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) which deals with issues of sustainable urban and regional development. Bernhard Müller has a doctoral degree in Geography from the University of Mainz, and completed his habilitation in urban and regional planning and development at the University of Hanover. He received an honorary doctoral degree from the Slovak University of Technology. His professional interests are in sustainable development as well as urban and regional resilience.
Bernhard Müller was a Vice President of the Leibniz Association, one of the major non-university research organisations in Germany. He is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), the Saxonian Academy of Sciences, and the German Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL). He is also an international member of the Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences. He has been working as an evaluator for several European research programs. He was a member of the Advisory Council for Regional Policy and Planning of the Federal Republic of Germany, and of the Environmental Research Council of the State of Saxony. In 2015/16, he was a member of Policy Unit No. 6 on “Urban Spatial Strategies: Land Market and Segregation“ for Habitat III (Quito 2016).
15 Ebooks de Bernhard Muller
Angela Kreis-Muzzulini & Bernhard Müller: Public Relations
Auf dieses Buch haben die PR-Praktiker, PR-Ausbildungskräfte und Studierende, aber auch alle kommunikationsbewussten Menschen in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Recht, Gesundheit, Soziales, Politik, Sport …
Bernhard Müller & Hiroyuki Shimizu: Towards the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda
This book looks at the New Urban Agenda and prospects of its implementation. In 2016, the New Urban Agenda was endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations after having been adopted by the …
Bernhard Müller & Maros Finka: Rise and Decline of Industry in Central and Eastern Europe
In the course of the tremendous political and economic upheaval starting in 1989/1990 many industrial cities and regions in Central and Eastern Europe have been confronted with profound problems. Thi …
Bernhard Müller: German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy 2010
Resilience is increasingly becoming a catchword in current discussions about urban and regional development. While there has been a strong research focus on sustainability, there is a lack of underst …
Barbara Mürmann: Weihnachtsgeschichten am Kamin 31
Kerzenschein, Plätzchenduft – und eine stimmungsvolle Weihnachtsgeschichte Leise deckt der Schnee die Wiesen und Wälder, die Städte und die Dörfer zu. Die Sterne funkeln, der Mond gießt sein helles L …
Bernhard Müller & Matthias Finkenrath: Formelsammlung Thermodynamik, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung und Strömungsmechanik
Diese Formelsammlung umfasst die Gebiete technische Thermodynamik, technische Strömungsmechanik, Wärmeübertragung und in geringerem Umfang auch die Stoffübertragung. Sie basiert auf den gleichnamigen …
Bernhard Müller & Ralf Schwarzbach: Formelfuchs Pharmazie
Schneller am Zug Die wilde Horde an Formeln, Gleichungen und Strukturen baut sich vor Ihnen auf, und niemand steht zur Seite. Lassen Sie sich nicht beunruhigen, wenn Ihnen bei Candela nicht sofort ei …
Bernhard Müller: Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2018.
Purpose of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference is an intellectual exchange between researchers, enterprises and users of Additive Manufacturing technologies in order to gather the …
Bernhard Müller & Jörg Knieling: Klimaanpassung in der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
Die Folgen des Klimawandels sind unübersehbar: Hochwasser an Flüssen nach plötzlichen Starkregen, Niedrigwasser in Folge von Trockenperioden, Hitzeinseln in Städten bei anhaltend hohen Temperaturen o …
Bernhard Müller: Anschließen eines Schutzkontaktsteckers (Unterweisung Elektroniker)
Unterweisung / Unterweisungsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Ad A Handwerk / Produktion / Gewerbe – Elektroberufe, Note: 1, 0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Lernziel des Auszubildenden (1 …
Bernhard Müller: Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2020.
Purpose of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference is an intellectual exchange between researchers, enterprises and users of Additive Manufacturing technologies in order to gather the …
Bernhard Müller: Alltag im Zivilisationsbruch
Ziel dieser Dokumentation legalisierten Unrechts ist es, ‘einerseits die aus der Sicht der jüdischen Bevölkerung passiv durchlebten Ausgrenzungsmaßnahmen aufzuzeigen, andererseits die aktive Seite de …
Bernhard Müller: Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2023.
Purpose of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference is an intellectual exchange between researchers, enterprises and users of Additive Manufacturing technologies in order to gather the …