‘This book is a game changer! Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: 5 Teaching Turnarounds for Grades K- 6 goes beyond simply providing information by sharing a pathway for changing practice. . . Focusing on our students’ strengths should be routine and can be lost in the day-to-day teaching demands. A teacher using these approaches can change the trajectory of students’ lives forever. All teachers need this resource!
Connie S. Schrock
Emporia State University
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics President, 2017-2019
NEW COVID RESOURCES ADDED: A Parent’s Toolkit to Strengths-Based Learning in Math is now available on the book’s companion website to support families engaged in math learning at home. This toolkit provides a variety of home-based activities and games for families to engage in together.
Your game plan for unlocking mathematics by focusing on students’ strengths.
We often evaluate student thinking and their work from a deficit point of view, particularly in mathematics, where many teachers have been taught that their role is to diagnose and eradicate students’ misconceptions. But what if instead of focusing on what students don’t know or haven’t mastered, we identify their mathematical strengths and build next instructional steps on students’ points of power?
Beth Mc Cord Kobett and Karen S. Karp answer this question and others by highlighting five key teaching turnarounds for improving students’ mathematics learning: identify teaching strengths, discover and leverage students’ strengths, design instruction from a strengths-based perspective, help students identify their points of power, and promote strengths in the school community and at home. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop and consider current practice, reflect, and transfer practice while also sharing
· Downloadable resources, activities, and tools
· Examples of student work within Grades K–6
· Real teachers’ notes and reflections for discussion
It’s time to turn around our approach to mathematics instruction, end deficit thinking, and nurture each student’s mathematical strengths by emphasizing what makes them each unique and powerful.
Introduction – An Invitation to Turnaround
Why Strengths-Based Instruction?
Who is Strengths-Based Mathematics Teaching For?
What are Mathematics Strengths we See in Students?
Exploring Your Own Math Identity
Moving to a Strengths-Based Perspective
Practices that Build a Strengths Cycle
The Five Teaching Turnarounds
Chapter 1 – Identify Your Teaching Strengths
What Do You Believe About Your Students′ Learning?
What Do Students Think You Believe?
Chapter 2 – Turnaround Mathematical Proficiencies, Processes, and Practices
Building Mathematical Proficiency Through a Strengths-Based Lens
Building Mathematical Practices and Dispositions Through a Strengths-Based Lens
Building Strengths in Problem Solving
Building Strengths in Communication
Building Strengths in Reasoning and Proof
Building Strengths in Connections
Building Strengths in Representations
Chapter 3 – Your Students’ Mathematics Content Strengths
Building Mathematical Content Knowledge Through a Strengths-Based Lens
Building and Recognizing Strengths in the Meaning of Number and Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Count to show how numbers represent quantity
Count to show how numbers represent quantity
Develop Strategies to Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide
Building and Recognizing Strengths in Understanding Number and Operations – Fractions
Building and Recognizing Strengths in Geometry
van Heile’s Geometric Conceptual Understanding Level 0: Visualization
van Heile’s Geometric Conceptual Understanding Level 1: Analysis
Chapter 4 – Turnaround Grouping Practices
Planning Effective Strength-Based Instruction
Fixed versus Flexible Grouping Practices
Long-Term Whole-Class Ability Grouping
Small-Group In-Class Ability Grouping
Flexible Grouping Strategies
Strength’s Based Flexible Grouping Practices
Mixed-Strength Whole-Group Instruction
Homogeneous-Strength Small Groups
Targeted Small Group Instruction Through a Strengths-Based Lens
Chapter 5 – Turnaround Tasks
High Cognitive Tasks
Turnaround a Task: Designing a Personalized, Strengths-Based Instructional Task
Individualized Personalization
Funds of Knowledge
Three Perspectives for Adapting a Task to Support Student′s Strengths
Access and Equity
Mathematical Goals
Formative Assessment
Promoting Strengths Through Parallel Tasks
Exploratory Discourse About Tasks
Math Amendments: Revising the Task Solution
Chapter 6 – Turnaround Feedback
The Importance of Feedback in a Strengths-Based Classroom
Teacher-to-Student Feedback From a Strengths Perspective
Teacher to Student Feedback Loop
Elements of Teacher to Student Feedback
Student-to-Teacher Feedback from a Strengths Perspective
Prior to the Lesson
During the Lesson
Closing the Lesson
Student-to-Student Feedback from a Strengths Perspective
Classroom-Based Formative Assessment and Feedback
Show Me
Hinge Question
Exit Task
Chapter 7 – Turnaround Students’ Identities
Windows and Mirrors
Our Teacher Mirror
Translation Task
Don′t Miss an Opportunity to Recognize a Student′s Points of Power
Students′ Productive Dispositions
Students Self Analyze their Strong Points
Chapter 8 – Turnaround Professional Learning Communities
Supporting Teachers′ Strengths
The Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Framework
Whole School Agreement
Chapter 9 – Turnaround Family Communication
Engaging Families in Strengths-Based Talk
Incorporating Family and Community Strengths
Working Together to Share Mathematical Ideas
Family Math Resources
Conferences with Family Members from a Strengths-Based Perspective
Epilogue – Turnaround Reflection
Despre autor
Karen S. Karp is a mathematics educator who focuses on the intersection of mathematics education and special education. She is a former professor at Johns Hopkins University and at the University of Louisville where she is professor emerita. Early in her career she received a Development Award from the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation to support more seamless integration between general education and special education. She is the author or co-author of numerous publications including Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Intervention in the Elementary Grades and Elementary and Middle School Mathematics. Karen was on the writing team of the NCTM/CEC Joint position statement on Teaching Mathematics to Students with Learning Disabilities. In 2024, she chaired the Topic Study Group on Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs at the International Congress on Mathematical Education in Australia. She holds teaching/administrative certifications in elementary education, secondary mathematics, K-12 special education, and K-12 educational administration.