Boris Goldengorin is the author and inventor of data correcting and tolerance based algorithms applied to many problems in operations research, supply chain management, quantitative logistics, industrial engineering, data and stock market analysis. Boris is the author of more than 100 articles published in leading international journals, including the Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Discrete Optimization, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Operations Research, Management Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Operational Research Society, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Computers & Operations Research, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Heuristics, Optimization Methods & Software, Computational Management Science, and many others. Dr. Goldengorin has published four monographs, three textbooks and an editor of five books on mathematical programming, game theory, combinatorial optimization, network analysis algorithms, graph theory, and big data analysis.
He is an associate editor of Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, SN Operations Research Forum and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics of the National University. T. G. Shevchenko, Ukraine.
Professor Sergei O. Kuznetsov graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control of the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology in 1985. He obtained his Doctor of Science Degree in Theoretical Computer Science at the Computing Center of Russian Academy of Science. Since 2006 the Head of Department for Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Head of the International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis and Academic Supervisor of the Data Science master program at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). His researchinterests are in the algorithms of data mining, knowledge discovery, and Formal Concept Analysis.
5 Ebooks de Boris Goldengorin
Boris Goldengorin & Dmitry Krushinsky: Cell Formation in Industrial Engineering
This book focuses on a development of optimal, flexible, and efficient models and algorithms for cell formation in group technology. Its main aim is to provide a reliable tool that can be used by man …
Fuad Aleskerov & Boris Goldengorin: Clusters, Orders, and Trees: Methods and Applications
The volume is dedicated to Boris Mirkin on the occasion of his 70th birthday. In addition to his startling Ph D results in abstract automata theory, Mirkin’s ground breaking contributions in various …
Boris Goldengorin: Optimization and Its Applications in Control and Data Sciences
This book focuses on recent research in modern optimization and its implications in control and data analysis. This book is a collection of papers from the conference “Optimization and Its Applicatio …
Boris Goldengorin: Optimization Problems in Graph Theory
This book presents open optimization problems in graph theory and networks. Each chapter reflects developments in theory and applications based on Gregory Gutin’s fundamental contributions to advance …
Boris Goldengorin & Sergei Kuznetsov: Data Analysis and Optimization
This book presents the state-of-the-art in the emerging field of data science and includes models for layered security with applications in the protection of sites—such as large gathering places—thro …