Autor: Boris M. Smirnov

V.P. Krainov was born in Moscow in 1938. In 1962 he obtained a Master of Science in the field of theoretical nuclear physics and went on to complete his Doctor of Phys. Mat. Science in 1982. He became a professor of physics in 1986. Between 1963 and 1971 he worked as a scientist at the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy in Moscow and was a professor at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute from 1971 to 1992. Since then he has been a professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Throughout his career his research has focused primarily on the theory of atomic, molecular, plasma and nuclear physics. He is the author of 27 books and about 380 papers. Boris Smirnov was born in 1938 in Moscow. In 1962 he graduated from Moscow”s Engineering-Physical Institute in theoretical nuclear physics and obtained his Doctor of Phys. Mat. Science in 1968. He became a professor of physics in 1970. Between 1962 and 1982 he was Head of Laboratory at Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (Moscow), then from 1982 to 1986 Head of Laboratory at Institute of Thermophysics (Novosibirsk) and from 1986 Head of Laboratory and Head of Department and, currently, Principal Scientist at the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Science. B.M. Smirnov was a member of the editorial board of several journals of various publishers. He was a professor at the Moscow Power Institute, Novosibirsk, State University and the Moscow Institute of Science and Technology, and is a laureate of the National Prize of Russia. His research focusses on theoretical physics, atomic, molecular, cluster, plasma and chemical physics. He is the author of 53 books and about 500 papers.

19 Ebooks de Boris M. Smirnov

Vladimir Krainov & Boris M. Smirnov: Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes
This book describes selected problems in contemporary spectroscopy in the context of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It focuses on elementary radiative processes involving atomic particles …
Boris M. Smirnov: Theory of Gas Discharge Plasma
This book presents the theory of gas discharge plasmas in a didactical way. It explains the processes in gas discharge plasmas. A gas discharge plasma is an ionized gas which is supported by an exter …
Boris M. Smirnov: Microphysics of Atmospheric Phenomena
This book investigates elementary processes in the Earth’s atmosphere involving photons,  electrons, ions, radicals, and aerosols. It is based on global atmospheric models such as the stand …
Boris M. Smirnov: Atomic Particles and Atom Systems
This book presents physical units and widely used physical formulas, which are given together with conversion factors in various units. It includes frequently used atomic spectra and data for atoms, …
Boris M. Smirnov: Principles of Statistical Physics
Written for graduate or advanced students as well as for professionals in physics and chemistry, this book includes the fundamental concepts of statistical physics and physical kinetics. These concep …
Boris M. Smirnov: Physics of Ionized Gases
A comprehensive textbook and reference for the study of the physics of ionized gases The intent of this book is to provide deep physical insight into the behavior of gases containing atoms and molecu …
Boris M. Smirnov: Plasma Processes and Plasma Kinetics
This problems supplement to plasma physics textbooks covers plasma theory for both science and technology. Written by a renowned plasma scientist, experienced book author and skilled teacher, it trea …
Boris M. Smirnov: Cluster Processes in Gases and Plasmas
This reference on cluster physics in materials science draws upon the author’s unrivalled experience in plasma science. He covers in detail electromagnetic effects, cluster motion and growth, as well …
Boris M. Smirnov: Fundamentals of Ionized Gases
A comprehensive and readily accessible work for studying the physics of ionized gases, based on ‘Physics of Ionized Gases’. The focus remains on fundamentals rather than on the details required for i …
Boris M. Smirnov: Fundamentals of Ionized Gases
A comprehensive and readily accessible work for studying the physics of ionized gases, based on ‘Physics of Ionized Gases’. The focus remains on fundamentals rather than on the details required for i …
Boris M. Smirnov & Stephen R. Berry: Phase Transitions of Simple Systems
Thermodynamic concepts of aggregate states and their phase transitions – veloped during the 19th Century and are now the basis of our contem- rary understanding of these phenomena. Thermodynamics giv …
Boris M. Smirnov: Reference Data on Atomic Physics and Atomic Processes
Each scientist works with certain information and collects it in the course of prof- sional activity. In the same manner, the author collected data for atomic physics and atomic processes. This infor …
Boris M. Smirnov: Physics of Atoms and Ions
Intended for advanced students of physics, chemistry, and related disciplines, this text treats the quantum theory of atoms and ions within the framework of self-consistent fields. It treats the stru …
Boris M. Smirnov: Clusters and Small Particles
Small particles in gaseous systems are called clusters, aerosols, dust particles, Aitken particles, etc., depending on their size, the media where they are observed, and the field of science in which …
Boris M. Smirnov: Nanoclusters and Microparticles in Gases and Vapors
Various nanoclusters and microparticles are considered in excited and ionized gases, as well as various processes with their participation. The concepts of these processes were developed 50 – 100 yea …
Boris M. Smirnov: Transport of Infrared Atmospheric Radiation
This book sets out to give a rigorous mathematical description of the greenhouse effect through the theory of infrared atmospheric emission. In contrast to traditional climatological analysis, this a …
Boris M. Smirnov: Global Atmospheric Phenomena Involving Water
This book covers the role of water in global atmospheric phenomena, focussing on the physical processes involving water molecules and water microparticles. It presents the reader with a detailed look …
Boris M. Smirnov: Transport of Infrared Atmospheric Radiation
This book sets out to give a rigorous mathematical description of the greenhouse effect through the theory of infrared atmospheric emission. In contrast to traditional climatological analysis, this a …
Boris M. Smirnov: Global Energetics of the Atmosphere
This book looks at global atmospheric processes from a physical standpoint using available current and past observational data taken from measurements of relevant atmospheric parameters. It describes …