In its first edition, Practice Development in Nursing made
an important contribution to understanding practice development and
its core components. Now fully updated to take into account the
many developments in the field, the second edition continues to
fill an important gap in the market for an accessible, practical
text on what remains a key issue for all members of the healthcare
team globally.
Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare explores
the basis of practice development and its aims, implementation and
impact on healthcare, to enable readers to be confident in their
approaches to practice development. It is aimed at healthcare
professionals in a variety of roles (for example clinical practice,
education, research and quality improvement) and students, as well
as those with a primary practice development role, in order to
enable them to effectively and knowledgeably develop practice and
the practice of others.
Key features:
* New updated edition of a seminal text in the field, including
significant new material
* Relevance to the entire healthcare team
* Accessible and practical in style, with case studies, scenarios
and examples throughout
* Edited by and with contributions from experts in the
* Fully updated to include the latest research
* Supported by a strong evidence base
Contributors vii
Preface x
Acknowledgements xiii
1 Introduction 1
Brendan Mc Cormack, Kim Manley and Angie Titchen
2 Learning to be a Practice Developer 18
Kate Sanders, Jo Odell and Jonathan Webster
3 What is Practice Development and What are the Starting Points?
Kim Manley, Angie Titchen and Brendan Mc Cormack
4 Approaches to Practice Development 66
Theresa Shaw
5 A Case Study of Practice Development ‘The Practice
Development Journey’ 88
Brendan Mc Cormack and Jan Dewing
6 Getting Going with Facilitation Skills in Practice Development
Angie Titchen, Jan Dewing and Kim Manley
7 How You Might Use PARIHS to Deliver Safe and Effective Care
Jo Rycroft-Malone
8 Working Towards a Culture of Effectiveness in the Workplace
Kim Manley, Annette Solman and Carrie Jackson
9 Evaluation Approaches for Practice Development: Contemporary
Perspectives 169
Sally Hardy, Val Wilson and Tanya Mc Cance
10 Outcome Evaluation in the Development of Person-Centred
Practice 190
Brendan Mc Cormack, Tanya Mc Cance and Jill Maben
11 Practice Development as Radical Gardening: Enabling
Creativity and Innovation 212
Angie Titchen and Ann Mc Mahon
12 Building Capacity for Transformation through Practice
Development: Two Case Studies in NHS Trusts, England 233
Jan Dewing, Jill Down and Irena Anna Frei
13 The Use of Action Hypotheses to Demonstrate Practice
Development Strategies in Action 252
Kim Manley, Randal Parlour and Joan Yalden
14 The Contextual Web of Practice Development 275
Brendan Mc Cormack, Angie Titchen and Kim Manley
Index 295
Despre autor
Brendan Mc Cormack is Director of the Institute of Nursing Research and Head of the Person-Centred Practice Research Centre, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK. He is Professor II, Buskerud University College, Drammen, Norway; Adjunct Professor of Nursing, University of Technology, Sydney, Austalia; Adjunct Professor of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Care, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Visiting Professor, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Kim Manley is Co-Director, England Centre for Practice Development and Visiting Professor, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK; Associate Director, Practice Development, Transformational Research and Development, East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK; Visiting Professor, University of Surrey, UK.
Angie Titchen is Visiting Professor, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK; Adjunct Professor, Charles Sturt University, Australia; Principle Investigator, Knowledge Centre for Evidence-Based Practice, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands; Independent Practice Development and Research Consultant.