This book will be of particular interest to those persons who are seeking to identify the circumstances leading to the destruction of the world (end times) and the coming of New Jerusalem, heaven.
Nothing is quite as intriguing as ‘End Times’
Nothing is quite as intriguing as ‘End Times’ prophecy being fulfilled before your eyes. This author offers ‘defined options’ to the reader; that is, what does the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem have to do with me and my life? Will these events place me in the position of having to make choices and what are the implications of those choices?
If Biblical prophecy is true (and so far it has been fulfilled, down to the smallest detail) then your life will, within 3 1/2 years of the re-building of Solomon’s Temple, never be the same. Events will unfold very quickly. The first 3 1/2 years will be peaceful. The Muslims, the Jews, the Christians and all other world religions will feel that world peace has broken out.
It is at the end of the 3 1/2 year period that the Great Tribulation will begin and it will start when the anti-Christ (not a devilish looking person, but a very handsome, very persuasive man) declares religion, temples, mosques and churches as places that must be destroyed. He will tell the world that religion is a silly, divisive pursuit, designed to sway and control the masses and what is needed is a ‘one world’ economic and political system devoid of false gods.
People will be required to accept the Mark of the Beast, (not some ugly tattoo, but an implanted chip on their right hand or forehead) in order to have transactions. No ‘chip’, no buying and selling. Those who know their Bible know that this is a critical turning point in history. If you accept the Mark of the Beast, if you buy into the compelling rational view of the one world economy with a single political system, you will be sealing your death sentence with God. God expressly forbids His children to succumb to the one who has desecrated His Temple and forbidden all forms of worship.
God will send ‘two witnesses’ to oppose the anti-Christ. They will have the power to withhold rain for this entire 3 1/2 year period and no one will be able to destroy these two. They will become the enemy of the anti-Christ and the people, due to the drought and due to their pronouncements of impending doom. At the end of 3 1/2 years they will be killed, their bodies will lie in the street for 3 days and the world will celebrate their death, celebrating and sending each other gifts. The celebration is premature. At the end of the third day, these two rise up and ascend into heaven and shortly thereafter the Battle of Armageddon commences. God’s enemies will be destroyed and His people will be protected.
Then there will be a 1000 year period of peace. The promised land, from the Nile to the Tigris-Euphrates will be restored and Israel will live in peace. Satan will be bound for this millennium period.
At the end of 1000 years, some of those who were not pure blooded Israelites, will, along with Satan who has been loosed for one final attack on God’s people, mobilize to destroy Israel. However, God will step in and destroy all of His enemies.
Then the Great White Throne Judgment will commence. Jesus Christ and His angels will separate the sheep from the goats, the saints from the sinners and those who are sinners will be consigned to Hades and the earth and everything on it will be destroyed.
Then New Jerusalem, heaven, will descend and all of God’s people will be eternally with God in perfect peace and harmony, forever.
Despre autor
previous owner of a golf club manufacturing company, Caldwell Golf Co., Inc.
Previous positions held, with dates: Middle School teacher, High School teacher and athletic coach 1957-1965, High School Principal, Ford Fellow, Superintendent of Schools, 1966-1979, University Professor, 1973-1979, National Sales Manager, Public Storage Inc., 1980-1989, Franchiser/owner, Conroy’s Flowers Inc., Director of Development, Pixel Inc. 1995-1998, Golf club manufacturing, 1997-2008, Board of Directors, Cybertel Capital and The Giving Card, webmaster for , and
Married to Suzanne L. Caldwell, we have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Hobby: Golf and recreation with the grandchildren.