The Quest for a European Strategic Culture investigates whether strategic norms and beliefs held in different countries have become more similar since 1989 and explores the implications for the viability of a common European Security and Defence Policy. The empirical evidence emerging from various sources shows some significant changes.
A European Strategic Culture in the Making?: Introducing a Constructivist Approach How do Strategic Cultures Change?: Three Mechanisms of Normative Change The Impact of Changing Threat Perceptions on Strategic Thinking in Europe after 1989 The Impact of Mediatised Crisis Learning on Collective Norms Social Influence through Institutions: The Case of the Political and Security Committee Do Europeans Think Alike About the Use of Force?: Synthesising and Theorising the Findings European Strategic Culture and the Prospects for European Defence Appendix
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CHRISTOPH O. MEYER is Lecturer in European Studies at King’s College London. Previously, he held positions at Birkbeck, University of London, the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels and the University of Cologne. His specialisations include European integration and governance, transnational political communication and constructivist approaches to security and defence policy.