Food has played a major role in funerary and memorial practices since the dawn of the human race. In the ancient Roman world, for example, it was common practice to build channels from the tops of graves into the crypts themselves, and mourners would regularly pour offerings of food and drink into these conduits to nourish the dead while they waited for the afterlife. Funeral cookies wrapped with printed prayers and poems meant to comfort mourners became popular in Victorian England; while in China, Japan, and Korea, it is customary to offer food not only to the bereaved, but to the deceased, with ritual dishes prepared and served to the dead.
Dying to Eat is the first interdisciplinary book to examine the role of food in death, bereavement, and the afterlife. The contributors explore the phenomenon across cultures and religions, investigating topics including tombstone rituals in Buddhism, Catholicism, and Shamanism; the role of death in the Moroccan approach to food; and the role of funeral casseroles and church cookbooks in the Southern United States. This innovative collection not only offers food for thought regarding the theories and methods behind these practices but also provides recipes that allow the reader to connect to the argument through material experience. Illuminating how cooking and corpses both transform and construct social rituals, Dying to Eat serves as a fascinating exploration of the foodways of death and bereavement.
Starters: The Role of Food in Bereavement and Memorialization
Chinese Ancestral Worship: Food to Ssutain, Transform, and Heal the Dead and the Living
The Eating Ritual in Korean Religiosity: Young San Jae for the Dead and for the Living
Sweetening Death: Shifting Landscapes of the Role of Food in Grief and Mourning
Funeral Food as Resurrection in the American South
The Circle of Life: Memorializing and Sustaining Faith
Moroccan Funeral Feasts
Alcohol Consumption, Transgression, and Death
Eating and Drinking with the Dead in South Africa
Despre autor
Candi K. Cann is assistant professor of religion in the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core at Baylor University. She specializes in comparative religion, death, and bereavement and is the author of The World Religions: Essential Readings and Handbook.