Danielle Drozdzewski is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Stockholm University, Sweden.
Carolyn Birdsall is Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
4 Ebooks de Carolyn Birdsall
Danielle Drozdzewski & Carolyn Birdsall: Doing Memory Research
Memory studies is a nascent and multidisciplinary research field, drawing from an impressive array of qualitative investigative methods deployed to do memory research. The authors in this collection …
Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Holger Schulze: Sound as Popular Culture
Scholars consider sound and its concepts, taking as their premise the idea that popular culture can be analyzed in an innovative way through sound.The wide-ranging texts in this book take as their pr …
Carolyn Birdsall & Theresa Eisele: Arbeiten zwischen Medien und Künsten
Die aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Debatten um Fragen der Teilhabe von Frauen im Kultur- und Medienbetrieb sind nicht so neu, wie sie angesichts ihrer Dringlichkeit bisweilen erscheinen mögen. Das Arbe …
Carolyn Birdsall: Nazi Soundscapes
Many images of Nazi propaganda are universally recognizable, and symbolize the ways that the National Socialist party manipulated German citizens. What might an examination of the party’s various use …