Astrologie AjutorCatalogManualeleNatureGardenOrientare pentru naturăAstrologieHobby FarmingCai, CălăriePescuit, vânătoare327 Ebooks din această categorie Mark Denny: Making Sense of Weather and Climate How do meteorologists design forecasts for the next day’s, the next week’s, or the next month’s weather? Are some forecasts more likely to be accurate than others, and why? Making Sense of Weather an … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €36.99 Barry D. Keim & Robert A. Muller: Hurricanes of the Gulf of Mexico ‘The storm has entered the Gulf.’ For those who live or travel near the Gulf of Mexico, this ominous announcement commands attention, especially given the frequency and force of hurricane strikes in … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €19.99 Kenneth Libbrecht: The Snowflake Snowflakes may be an everyday, common subject, but youve never seen them like this! A collection of amazing photography of snow crystals using a unique system designed to take super-detailed micro im … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €24.99 Alvin Jacques: Catastrophic Gumbo Theres no doubt that Hurricane Katrina was one of the most devastating weather events to hit the United Statescosting lives, property, and prosperity. In Catastrophic Gumbo, author Alvin Jac Ques pro … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €4.49 Simon King & Clare Nasir: What Does Rain Smell Like? ‘Clear, succinct and engaging answers to every question you could ask about the weather.’ Gavin Pretor-Pinney, author of The Cloudspotter’s Guide Why doesn’t rain fall all at once? Can technology cha … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €6.49 Peter J. Robinson: North Carolina Weather and Climate From blue skies to raging hurricanes, from ice storms to droughts, North Carolina’s weather varies widely from season to season and from day to day. In this delightful and informative book, Peter Rob … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €19.99 David Munson: Get Real GET REAL: A Positive Solution to Climate Change will revolutionize your understanding of the global climate issue. Adapting land management practices to a holistic and regenerative model, David Munso … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €14.99 Stephen J. Pyne: Burning Bush Pyne traces the impact of fire in Australia, from its influence on vegetation to its use by Aborigines and European settlers.“Mr. Pyne, showing what a historian deeply schooled in environmental scien … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €34.99 Israel Perkins Warren: Snow-Flakes First published in 1863, “Snow-Flakes – A Chapter from the Book of Nature” is a wonderful collection of poems, reflections, and anecdotes connected by the common theme of the snowflake. These beautif … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €9.49 Warren Faidley: Wicked Weather For the past 30 years, Warren Faidley has forecast, intercepted, and photographed some of the planet’s most extreme weather and natural disasters. As a photojournalist, natural disaster survival expe … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €19.99 Pagina următoare >>> 0 0 Casa 0,00 × × × Schimbați limba utilizatorului × ArabicGermanăEnglezăSpaniolăFrancezaHindusă IndonezianăItalianaMalaezianOlandezăPolonezăPortughezăRomânescRusăSuedezăTailandezTurcUcraineanVietnamezăChinezInternational Modal ×