Arte Plastice AjutorCatalogȘtiințe umaneArtă / ArhitecturăGeneral, enciclopediiIstoria arteiArte PlasticeArhitecturăArhitectură de interior, designTeatru, baletFotografie, film, video, TVantichitățiDiverse5.579 Ebooks din această categorie Irene Wai Lwin Moe: Figuratively Speaking Figuratively Speaking. Contemporary Naive Art from Finland, is an introduction to new wave of popular art in Finland. The reader will meet ten artists, who have renewed, revived and reformed the conc … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €5.99 Liza Roberts: Art of the State This beautiful and informative volume illustrates the vitality and importance of North Carolina’s contemporary art scene, showcasing the creation, collection, and celebration of art in all its richne … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €30.99 Marie Browning CZT: Time to Tangle with Colors More than simply coloring regions of a tangle design, this book offers lessons which enable even the novice artist to use a brush pen to color 48 delightful Zentangle animals, plants and flowers. … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €8.99 Silvia Fok: Life and Death Fok focuses on the ways in which these artists use their own bodies, animals’ bodies and other corporeal substances to represent life and death in performance art, installations, and photography. Ove … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €27.99 Farish Noor & Eddin Khoo: Spirit of Wood With dozens of beautiful photographs and extensive text, this Malaysian art book is a testament to the skill and spirituality of Malaysia’s traditional woodcarvers. Wood has always played a significa … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €14.99 Cécile Fromont: The Art of Conversion Between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries, the west central African kingdom of Kongo practiced Christianity and actively participated in the Atlantic world as an independent, cosmopolitan re … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €20.99 Allen F. Roberts: A Dance of Assassins A Dance of Assassins presents the competing histories of how Congolese Chief Lusinga and Belgian Lieutenant Storms engaged in a deadly clash while striving to establish hegemony along the southwester … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €9.49 Suzanne McNeill CZT: Gelli Arts® Printing Guide Discover the amazing Gelli Arts® plate—a revolutionary printmaking surface that makes it easy to produce beautiful, one-of-a-kind artwork with amazing colors and textures! This book will show you how … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €8.99 Suzanne McNeill CZT: Zentangle 10 The design possibilities of Zentangle extend in many dimensions! Combine the art forms of paper crafts and tangling to create memorable 3D keepsakes and one-of-a-kind gifts for every season. Dimensio … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €6.41 Edward Reep: A Combat Artist in World War II Many artists have fought in wars, and renowned painters have recorded heroic scenes of great battles, but those works were usually done long after the battles were waged. Artists have also been commi … EPUB Engleză Adobe DRM €38.99 Pagina următoare >>> 0 0 Casa 0,00 × × × Schimbați limba utilizatorului × ArabicGermanăEnglezăSpaniolăFrancezaHindusă IndonezianăItalianaMalaezianOlandezăPolonezăPortughezăRomânescRusăSuedezăTailandezTurcUcraineanVietnamezăChinezInternational Modal ×