Istoria AjutorCatalogȘtiințe umaneGeneralFilosofiePsihologiaReligie / TeologieIstoriaLimbiEducațieArtă / ArhitecturăMuzicaGeneral, enciclopediiPre-and Early HistoryIstorie, AntichitateEvul mediuTimpuri moderne până în 1918Secolul XX până în 1945Istorie contemporană (din 1945)Istorie regionalăIstoria culturii228.372 Ebooks din această categorie M.C. (University of Ulster, UK) Lemon: Philosophy of History Philosophy of History is an essential introduction to a vast body of writing about history, from classical Greece and Rome to the modern world. M.C. Lemon maps out key debates and central concepts of … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.31 Paul Preston: Coming of the Spanish Civil War This classic text is made newly available in a substantially revised and updated second edition. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.65 Armstrong Starkey: European and Native American Warfare 1675-1815 Challenging the historical tradition that has denigrated Indians as ‘savages’ and celebrated the triumph of European ‘civilization’, Armstrong Starkey presents military history as only one dimension … EPUB Adobe DRM €57.77 Alison (Leeds Metropolitan University, UK) Oram: Her Husband was a Woman! Tracking the changing representation of female gender-crossing in the press, this text breaks new ground to reveal findings where both desire between women and cross-gender identification are underst … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.83 Andrew Rosen: Rise Up, Women! The suffragette movement shattered the domestic tranquillity of Edwardian England. This book is an original and searching study of the formidable organization which led this campaign: the Women’s Soc … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.84 Nikolei Berdiaev & S.N. Bulgakov: Vekhi A collection of essays first published in Moscow in 1909. Writing from various points of view, the authors reflect the diverse experiences of Russia”s failed 1905 revolution. Condemned by Lenin and … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.18 Tony Saich & Benjamin Yang: The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party This collection of documents covers the rise to power of the Chinese communist movement. They show how the Chinese Communist Party interpreted the revolution, how it devised policies to meet changing … EPUB Adobe DRM €224.71 P G. Boyle: Eisenhower Eisenhower is the president who established America as a superpower. He had already launched his reputation as the leading US military figure in the Second World War and then as supreme commander of … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.61 Marek Jan Chodakiewicz: Intermarium History and collective memories influence a nation, its culture, and institutions; hence, its domestic politics and foreign policy. That is the case in the Intermarium, the land between the Baltic an … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.31 Jules Ginswick: Labour and the Poor in England and Wales, 1849-1851 First Published in 1983. In October 1849 a London newspaper, the Morning Chronicle, announced to its middle-class readers that it was to undertake a survey of the condition of the labouring classes i … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.12 Pagina următoare >>> 0 0 Casa 0,00 × × × Schimbați limba utilizatorului × ArabicGermanăEnglezăSpaniolăFrancezaHindusă IndonezianăItalianaMalaezianOlandezăPolonezăPortughezăRomânescRusăSuedezăTailandezTurcUcraineanVietnamezăChinezInternational Modal ×