Filosofie – general AjutorCatalogNon-ficțiuneFilozofie / ReligieBiografii, autobiografiiFilosofie – generalFilozofie – antică până în contemporaneitateReligia generalăReligie creștinăAlte religiiDiverse49.388 Ebooks din această categorie R J Hirst: The Problems of Perception First published in 2002. Written in 1959, this volume looks at the philosophical problems of perception, that arise mainly because our traditional common-sense notions clash with the factual evidence … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.74 Professor Roland Faber & Dr Andrew Goffey: The Allure of Things: Process and Object in Contemporary Philosophy The Allure of Things: Process and Object in Contemporary Philosophy contests the view that metaphysics is something to be overcome. By focusing on process and object oriented ontology (OOO) and rejec … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.81 John Abromeit & W. Mark Cobb: Herbert Marcuse The Legacy of Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader is a collection of brand new papers by seventeen Marcuse scholars, which provides a comprehensive reassessment of the relevance of Marcuse”s critical … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.13 D D Raphael & D. D. Raphael: Hobbes First published in 1977 this book is both expository and critical and concentres on Hobbes” ethical and political theory, but also considering the effect on these of his metaphysics. Updated, with a … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.27 J.N. Findlay: Wittgenstein First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.59 Teun Pauwels: Populism in Western Europe Despite the increasing academic interest in populism, we still lack understanding of individual factors contributing to populist voting. One of the main reasons for this is that populism is almost al … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.59 Peter S. Eardley & Carl N. Still: Aquinas: A Guide for the Perplexed Thomas Aquinas is the most widely read and arguably most influential of the medieval philosophers. He is famous for his impressive and coherent synthesis of Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology an … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.52 Ivo De Gennaro: The Weirdness of Being The ongoing publication of Heidegger”s complete works has called into question the interpretive and translative practices that have historicized Heidegger”s thinking through the adaptation of categ … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.34 Darlene M. Juschka: Political Bodies/Body Politic ”Political Bodies/Body Politic” draws on feminism, gender studies, and queer theory to examine how myth, symbol and ritual express belief systems. The book explores the operation of gender in a var … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.73 G.J. Warnock: Austin-Arg Philosophers This book is available either individually, or as part of the specially-priced Arguments of the Philosphers Collection. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.31 Pagina următoare >>> 0 0 Casa 0,00 × × × Schimbați limba utilizatorului × ArabicGermanăEnglezăSpaniolăFrancezaHindusă IndonezianăItalianaMalaezianOlandezăPolonezăPortughezăRomânescRusăSuedezăTailandezTurcUcraineanVietnamezăChinezInternational Modal ×