A collection of meditations on the importance of stewardship.
Much has changed in the 21st-century world of stewardship. Now a person may use electronic funds transfer or use a credit card after clicking on a website link instead of dropping a check in the offering plate. Stewardship witness videos can be linked to the church’s website. One-Minute Stewardship is designed to promote the development of a meaningful theology of giving in a new age. These short reflections, indexed by Scripture, theme, event, and lectionary, can be included in weekly parish e-mails, newsletters, weekly bulletins, or read as an invitation to the offering during worship. The book addresses the issue of designated giving, which is usually separate from general stewardship appeals and is designed to empower clergy and lay leaders to promote the message of good stewardship every Sunday of the year.
Despre autor
Charles Cloughen Jr. is Planned Giving Officer at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Baltimore, Maryland, and former Director of Planned Giving, Stewardship and Development for the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. He has been an Episcopal priest for more than 48 years, serving in parishes in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Texas, and Maryland. He lives in Towson, Maryland.