Dr. Chiranjibe Jana obtained his Doctor degree in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University in 2018 and obtained his Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from Vidyasagar University in 2009. His current research interest is in the areas of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making, fuzzy optimization, fuzzy algebra and soft algebraic structures. Dr. Jana has published more than 62 research papers in Scopus and Wo S-indexed journals. He is an editor of an edited book published by IGI Global, USA. Currently, he is an academic editor of the journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering. He is included in the list of top 2% scientists among all disciplines published by Stanford University for the year 2022.
Prof. Madhumangal Pal is currently a Professor of Applied Mathematics at Vidyasagar University. He is a recipient of several medals from Vidyasagar University and other organizations. He has been included in the list of the top 2% scientists among all disciplines published by Stanford University for the consecutive three years. Prof. Pal has produced 40 Ph.D. and has published more than 400 research articles in reputed journals. He is working in the areas of fuzzy optimization and decision-making, algorithmic and fuzzy graph theory, soft computing, etc. Prof. Pal is the author of nine textbooks published by Springer, PHI, Narosa, etc. and two edited books published by IGI Global, USA. Prof. Pal is the Editor-in-Chief of J. Phy. Sciences, Ann. Pure and App. Maths, associate editor of Intern. J. Compu. Intell. Sys. and J. Appl. Maths and Comp. and member of the editorial boards of many journals.
Dr. Ghulam Muhiuddin is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. His mathematical research areas include Algebras related to logic, ordered algebraic structures, Fuzzy algebraic structures, Fuzzy Mathematics, Soft algebraic structures, Hyper algebraic structures, Graph theory, Decision analysis and Category theory. He has published a very good number of research papers in internationally reputed journals. He is a member of the editorial boards of Trans. J. Math. Anal. Appl., Annals Fuzzy Maths. & Inf., Finan. Forum, J. Ins. of Elect. & Comp. Also, he is an Editor-in-chief of the journal Annals of Comm. Maths. He has visited several universities worldwide. He has delivered many invited talks at various institutions across the globe. He has visited USA, France and Switzerlandfor academic purposes. Dr Muhiuddin has been listed in top 2% of world scientists as released by Stanford University in 2021.
Peide Liu is a Professor at the School of Management Science and Engineering in Shandong University of Finance and Economics. He obtained his Doctor degree in Management Science and Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2010 and obtained his Master’s degree in Signal and Information Processing from Southeast University in 1991. His main research fields are decision Analysis and decision support, App. Maths, Exp. Sys., Tech. & Inf. Manag., Electronic Commerce, and Intelli. Inf. Proc.. Prof. Liu has authored more than 280 publications in highly reputed journals. He is Dean of Management Science and Engineering, Director of the Decision Science Research Institute, and Assistant Director of the Enterprise’s Electronic-commerce Engineering Research Center of Shandong Province. He has obtained several honorary titles, viz. Young and Middle-Aged Experts of National Outstanding Contributions in China, Special Government Allowance of the State Council, Nationwide Prominent Teachers in China, etc.
2 Ebooks de Chiranjibe Jana
Chiranjibe Jana & Madhumangal Pal: Fuzzy Optimization, Decision-making and Operations Research
After developing fuzzy set theory, many contributors focused their research on the extension of fuzzy sets and their computational methodologies, strengthening modern science and technology. In some …
Valentina Emilia Balas & Chiranjibe Jana: Picture Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications in Decision Making Problems
Picture Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications in Decision Making Problems provides methodological frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the field of picture fuzzy operators, and their a …