10 Good Questions about Life and Death makes us think again
about some of the most important issues we ever have to face.
* Addresses the fundamental questions that many of us ask about
life and death.
* Written in an engaging and straightforward style, ideal for
those with no formal background in philosophy.
* Focuses on commonly pondered issues, such as: Is life sacred?
Is it bad to die? Is there life after death? Does life have
meaning? And which life is best?
* Encourages readers to think about and respond to the human
* Features case studies, thought-experiments, and references to
literature, film, music, religion and myth.
Preface vi
1 Where Can I Find Answers? 1
2 Is Life Sacred? 15
3 Is It Bad to Die? 30
4 Which Deaths Are Worse? 44
5 Might I Live On? 59
6 Should I Take the Elixir of Life? 77
7 Who’s Who? 92
8 Is It All Meaningless? 109
9 Should There Be More, and Better, People? 129
10 Does Reality Matter? 145
Notes and Further Reading 161
Select Bibliography 169
Name Index 173
Subject Index 175
Despre autor
Christopher Belshaw is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Staff Tutor (Arts) with the Open University. He is the author of Ideas (1998) and Environmental Philosophy (2001).