In “Undeserved: Grasping Gods Grace”, Christopher invites you to join his journey of learning how to accept the grace of God into our lives. It is so easy to say that we are covered by His grace, but how do we live in it? How do we take this free gift that God has given us, open it up, and give thanks to our Father for it?
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Christopher Robinson was born and raised in Washington State and currently resides in Monroe, WA. He became a believer at 19 years old and has been pursuing God fervently ever since. Christopher is currently serving as a missionary through Salt Next Gen Ministries & Greater Europe Missions in Birmingham, UK, where he focuses on discipleship development and evangelism. He graduated with Honors from Grand Canyon University with a Bachelors in Christian Studies with an Emphasis in Youth Ministry, and he will be graduating with an M.Div in 2023.