Master the basics of a lyrical and useful language
Even though most people don’t use Latin anymore, it used to be spoken by millions of people from across the ancient world. It later morphed into new languages we still use today!
In Latin For Dummies, you’ll take a tour through the language of ancient Rome. Beginning with Latin you may already know, like ‘carpe diem’ and ‘quid pro quo, ‘ the book walks you through essential Latin grammar and everyday Latin phrases. It also explores how Latin shaped and molded modern languages, including English.
In this book, you’ll find:
* Lessons to learn Latin grammar and vocabulary
* Practices for reading, translating, and composing Latin
* Tips to recognize commonly confused Latin words
Latin For Dummies proves that learning Latin, while challenging, can be fun and exciting too! It’s perfect for first timers interested in the ancient language and anyone who wants to learn more about ancient Roman history and culture.
Introduction 1
Part 1: Getting Started with Latin 7
Chapter 1: You Already Know a Little Latin 9
Chapter 2: The Nitty Gritty: Basic Latin Grammar 23
Chapter 3: Salve! (Hello!): Greetings and Introductions 47
Part 2: Latin in Action 67
Chapter 4: The Roman Family and Social Structure 69
Chapter 5: Food and Housing in Roman Life 87
Chapter 6: The Roman Calendar 105
Chapter 7: The Roman Army 129
Chapter 8: Roman Entertainment and Sports 145
Chapter 9: Roman Government 161
Chapter 10: More Lasting Than Bronze: Latin Literature 185
Part 3: Latin in the Modern World 201
Chapter 11: Keeping It Simple, Silly 203
Chapter 12: The Decline and Fall of Roman Declensions 223
Chapter 13: We All Live In a Yellow Subordinate Clause 243
Chapter 14: Latin in Zoology and Botany 265
Chapter 15: Translating and Reading Latin 275
Chapter 16: Mottoes, Sayings, and Quotes: Cocktail Party Latin 299
Part 4: The Part of Tens 313
Chapter 17: More than Ten Loanwords from Latin 315
Chapter 18: Ten (or So) False Friends: Common Mistakes in Latin 321
Part 5: Appendices 327
Appendix A: Noun, Adjective, and Verb Tables 329
Appendix B: Latin-English Mini-Dictionary 353
Appendix C: Answer Key 381
Index 395
Despre autor
Clifford A. Hull MA in Classical Studies, MA in Classical Architecture, and MLS, teaches Latin, history, and social science at The Harker School in California.
Steven R. Perkins MA in Classics, is an award-winning teacher who has taught Latin and Classics for more than 30 years at secondary and undergraduate levels.